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Way to dry snitch.


maybe you should know what you are talking about before you butt in you fucking retard. i dont snitch on nobody and never will so fuck you. trying to start some e-beef when you have no clue what your talking about. go fuck yourself chump.

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maybe you should know what you are talking about before you butt in you fucking retard. i dont snitch on nobody and never will so fuck you. trying to start some e-beef when you have no clue what your talking about. go fuck yourself chump.


I'm not starting "e-beef" there lil buddy, I'm pointing out the fact that your fucking up.


Mabey I'm new to your scene out here, but where I come from letting any kind of information out about someone, like pointing out the race of someone and attatching it to something they painted, is the definition of "dry snitching".


I don't have beef with you, i could care less about you. But mabey all your posturing would mean something if you didn't just pull some toy ass shit. Next time leave a full discription why don't you?


So in conclusion, you may think you have never snitched on someone, but you just gave up info about someone to look cool to a bunch of faggots on an internet forum. I called you on it, and your too ignorent to know it. So who the fuck is the retard now?

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I'm not starting "e-beef" there lil buddy, I'm pointing out the fact that your fucking up.


Mabey I'm new to your scene out here, but where I come from letting any kind of information out about someone, like pointing out the race of someone and attatching it to something they painted, is the definition of "dry snitching".


I don't have beef with you, i could care less about you. But mabey all your posturing would mean something if you didn't just pull some toy ass shit. Next time leave a full discription why don't you?


So in conclusion, you may think you have never snitched on someone, but you just gave up info about someone to look cool to a bunch of faggots on an internet forum. I called you on it, and your too ignorent to know it. So who the fuck is the retard now?


Homie, you need to shut yer mouth. He DID NOT snitch on anyone you moron. If you don't know then you don't know and it's meant to be that way. Do some research before you pop your mouth off again and maybe next time you'll be in on the joke instead of being the joke.

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