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first off who would want to bite neckface????


second off bump this shit......silly fresh crew e2e



and that des joint....got left out again, thats like 3 times in a week

....fools need to learn how to snap that camera a lil faster or un-focus

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fuzzy, forreal? everyone acting like they're boys with this other smut that they found on some other website, angry cuz they dont know him and he's iller thAn they knew. man some people just love to hate on younguns coming up quicker than the oldie's would like.


Im not acting like Im boys w/ em by far......Im just stating the obvious. Alot of newer kats these days are picking names with out doing any research.....Its not like no one knows of SMUT MFG or SEK NSF.....these dudes have been crushing for a long time now.....its disrespectful to take that name and use it if it doesnt belong to you.....


....Shit I know dudes that would write a name simuliar to someone elses and had to switch it up just cause they know its the right thing to do


I mean your boys has some skills (smut not sek) - Im not saying he's wack.....just needs to pick a new name.....shouldnt be that hard!!!!

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