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this is what graffiti should be about...

and now you choke

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trying to get free of everything trying to lose all the constraints and inhibitions that modern art (ie graffiti guidelines) are what is going to lead to a new movement. sooner or later graffiti soulful feeling graffiti will probably be childlike empty but you will feel it i was having this didscussion with iron, we should just free ourselves fuck what i think fuck what anyone thinks about your stuff, i know i personally get critical but alot of it comes back to the fact that you know when a kid is losse and feels everything he has coming through in a piece, drunkenness helps this because you lose what you were taught how to be straight how to be clean how to be proportionate how to paint and you go simple in the mindstate that is graffiti, feel it like a good beat. dance with it.

it probably sounds really gay but this is my reflection you dont have to agree or even try it but this is me getting metaphysical.

oh yeah bump


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Originally posted by and now you choke:

how did stock caps ever get into this?


seeking, maybe you misinterpreted my talk of perfectionists as defense for lazy stock cap writers. no, that's not it at all. i'm saying do it right, however you want to do it, the first time around. do it so it won't cause you the trouble of going over it 100 times trying to clean things up. be free, have fun, let go of all the anal retentivness! your art is not you...


[This message has been edited by and now you choke (edited 03-20-2001).]


actually i have to kind of dissagree with this all.

my art is very much me. i dont have any idea why any one person can say what graf is "all about".

in one aspect, you are right, have fun. but what if "fun to me is being a perfectionist and going over shit till i feel its right?.

sometimes i am in the mood for the free feeling and sometimes i want a message sent out. most of the time i want that.

if i set out to do something i want it done right, and i cant always hit it on the first shot and im not that care free that i dont care about that.

i dont have much cash and im older. so i dont rack. sue me. tell me im not a "real" writer. i could care less. so no money for paint. and even less time to get out and do it. so when i do get out, i want my shit right.

i feel much better when i slave over something and work it with all my heart to the visions in my head than letting something run around that doesnt represent me.

ive been painting along time, and im fairly confident in my ability to pull off simple styles, but when im looking for more i put in more.

i think that you should do what you need to and thats that. i realise you prolly didnt mean for this to turn into a debate, picking apart your words and all that, and i appologise if im still not getting what youre saying but from the perspective of someone who doesnt "get drunk" and enjoys attention to detail, i cant really relate to what youre saying graf is all about. no disrespect intended. i enjoyed the piece above and i like the style. i totally love that style. free5 is one of my favorite writers.

but its just not how i operate.

takes all kinds.

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Originally posted by HYENA:

actually i have to kind of dissagree with this all.

my art is very much me. i dont have any idea why any one person can say what graf is "all about".

in one aspect, you are right, have fun. but what if "fun to me is being a perfectionist and going over shit till i feel its right?.

sometimes i am in the mood for the free feeling and sometimes i want a message sent out. most of the time i want that.

if i set out to do something i want it done right, and i cant always hit it on the first shot and im not that care free that i dont care about that.

i dont have much cash and im older. so i dont rack. sue me. tell me im not a "real" writer. i could care less. so no money for paint. and even less time to get out and do it. so when i do get out, i want my shit right.

i feel much better when i slave over something and work it with all my heart to the visions in my head than letting something run around that doesnt represent me.

ive been painting along time, and im fairly confident in my ability to pull off simple styles, but when im looking for more i put in more.

i think that you should do what you need to and thats that. i realise you prolly didnt mean for this to turn into a debate, picking apart your words and all that, and i appologise if im still not getting what youre saying but from the perspective of someone who doesnt "get drunk" and enjoys attention to detail, i cant really relate to what youre saying graf is all about. no disrespect intended. i enjoyed the piece above and i like the style. i totally love that style. free5 is one of my favorite writers.

but its just not how i operate.

takes all kinds.


well, i'm not trying to be the almighty answer and tell people how their lives should be and what graffiti IS and should be by definition. i was attempting to strip away the aesthetics that people get tangled in and go to the core behind painting. sure, painting can be something meaningful, representative of who you are, etc, but think even more fundamentally. you're down and out, so you pick up your paint and go out and do whatever you will. to some extent it'll lift your spirits like an old group of friends will, whether you do something silly or release a load of tension in a piece. painting is recreation, a hobby, a lifestyle at most, but why? at the core it's all because of pleasure.

and i'm not advocating careless, sloppy, work, there's just a border i'm not willing to cross when it comes to detail. when it stops being fun to paint it, then forget it, screw the details...i'll sacrifice the piece if need be. nothing to dwell on or hang your head over, some days just go like that. that's why it's important to realize that your artwork is not you. at best, like you even said, it's a representation of you. sometimes you're off...so let it show. let it really be representative.

to each his own. let me just say, i wasn't implying "get drunk and go paint". drinking had nothing to do with this topic other then veks using it as an approach to having fun. i was just disecting his piece and laughing at the quirks.



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Originally posted by and now you choke:

your artwork is not you. at best, like you even said, it's a representation of you.


its as much of 'me' as anything else that i am or do. if i say something the words represent me. if i dye my hair purple, it represents me. if i paint a piece, it represents me. nothing in this world 'is' me, because 'i' am not inherently anything. i am the representation of my thoughts, ideas and actions. the representation of my skin stretched over my bones. having met hyena, i can honestly say that i can completely see 'him' in his work. same with joker and dibs and bob hope and all the people ive had the fortune to paint with.

im not arguing with you, or trying to further pick apart your post. i agree with you on just about all of it, i just had to inject my buddhist 'anatma' philosophies... ignore me...

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who cares what i have to say....

i think fun is definetely key, whether it be fun from doing a drunken stock tip burner or fun from cutting back every line and perfecting a piece, as long as you enjoy it, then do it. I think it's important to practice enough that you know you can do a fucking tight burner if you so choose. Once you can do that, then it allows you to throw caution to the wind and try new shit, new styles without worrying if people will like it or not. If you know you can do good, then have fun and do a lot of loose shit...it's liberating to not give a fuck.

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yea my objective is to do a better piece everytime i go out,and i have the most fun wen i get technicle and busy with my style,cuz im expanding my style into sumthing more elaborate wich to me is fun,very fun!bombin is fun but i dont get a rush,i get hungry and extremely tired,im not a fat ass.maybe im malnutritioned.to everybody out there if its cool to u,its cool to me,if u like it ,then i like it too.do wut u want,have fun in every and any way u can.peace

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Guest Ouija

I love every minute of graffiti and painting. I even like taking my caps out and selecting one.




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Guest bigdork

i havent drank in 8 years, all my crew members except one are alcholics, I get contact drunk, I use stock caps only, and I usually paint naked, and I dont care if anybody likes my graffiti, as long as i have fun and im up and i can write something funny or intelligent next to my crap, im happy!! i paint to justify my existance, thats it!!

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Originally posted by and now you choke:

god you guys are anal. you didn't catch my drift. graffiti is about having fun.


not about being cool. not about being popular. not about being super tech fancy schmancy pretty happy blah blah shit..it's about going out and doing stupid shit and laughing about it all in retrospect. if you don't live by that policy with regards to graffiti maybe you ought to check yourself and ask if you're a little too uptight.


have any of you read "the art of getting over"? did you not pick up on what espo was saying?


its all about doing FUNNY SHIT. Like writing COCKSHIT in nice neighboorhoods and on starbuck's windows.

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Guest SNOee

I would type a lot here, but I haven't the energy. ..just letting you guys know.



Pancho, you're a retard.



That piece inspires me every time I see it. Thank you choker.

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why you wanna hurt me.after all of the things ive done for you.my girl wants to party all the time.being drunk and goin bomin is all that.you get more balls.but yo,you gotta be on your toes man.i rember atag on 11th in china town.kair"on as shit"now i dont think he was drunk...but thats what im sayin

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why you wanna hurt me.after all of the things ive done for you.my girl wants to party all the time.being drunk and goin bomin is all that.you get more balls.but yo,you gotta be on your toes man.i rember atag on 11th in china town.kair"on as shit"now i dont think he was drunk...but thats what im sayin

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why you wanna hurt me.after all of the things ive done for you.my girl wants to party all the time.being drunk and goin bomin is all that.you get more balls.but yo,you gotta be on your toes man.i rember atag on 11th in china town.kair"on as shit"now i dont think he was drunk...but thats what im sayin

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though the drinking part escapes me,writing should be about having fun....too many times it can feel like a job,when in reality it should be to have a good time.props to veks.kyt.and everyone else who doesn't care about "what's cool now in graffiti"..and while i don't think veks would call this his best work,he again got up.plus we're all talking about it..................

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