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Everything posted by raildeviant

  1. raildeviant

    Yard Safety

    Good looking out Cracked, info is always appreciated. Not sure if any of you have these in your local yard, but over here, in the city's biggest yard which is half CN and half CP, the use of remote control engines is in full effect. Essentially, the worker walks along the tracks with a remote control and works the engine from there (you see, trains are BIG toys!!!). Its cool to watch, but is also very dangerous for a couple of reasons. 1) There is no conductor in the engine, so no one to blow the horn to tell you to get the fuck out of the way. 2) With the worker controlling the engine from the ground, you may be paying attention to him and not notice the ghost rider train coming at you from the opposite direction. Another piece of advice. If you feel the need to close the door on an open boxcar so you can complete that purty end2end you have been planning (which I do not recommend), keep in mind that once you get the momentum built up the door won't stop until it slams shut, with or without your fingers in the way. Play safe, clean your spots and never accept candy from men in trenchcoats.
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