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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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one more week.. woohoo i'm stoked.. i cant wait for him to get out!! except i know when he's trying to come out..i'm gonna be like NOO NOO go back inside!! hahaha... probally to much detail for you fools;] i actually lost a pound from last week.. which is strange cause i have so much food in my fucking house right now and i've been chowing down.. mmmm supreme pizza with greenchili and salad.... ;]



rags. i thought you were going to write me? if you dont care then dont, but i'm just going by your word..

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slur, piss, rant, moan, yadda yadda yadda, whatever.......


how the fuck you'ins doin?


pabst in the morning, pabst in the evening, pabst at dinner time.

jamming pogues, cockney rejects, buzzcocks, and all this other shit i just made(ala mix tape, yes tape), drinking cuarentas de pabst pisto(cervezas, for the non-lingualistic).....


oi fucking oi, slamming and jamming, its ragso, he electric, boogie oogie oogie...........


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there once was a man named mclean,

who invented a jackoff machine,

on the fiftieth stroke,

the machine broke,

and blew his balls to cream...





there once was a man from nantucket,

who's dick was so long he could suck it,

he said with a grin,

while wiping his chin,

if my ear was a cunt i could fuck it......



yo, i'm hammered.......


what the fuck.........

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what the hell are you fools doing at home right now on a friday night? i'm at home.. cause i'm fucking in sweats in a hoodie and you couldnt pay me to get dressed and go outside in that fucking cold it would just take to much energy. plus i dont want to go out;]

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Originally posted by alure

what the hell are you fools doing at home right now on a friday night? i'm at home.. cause i'm fucking in sweats in a hoodie and you couldnt pay me to get dressed and go outside in that fucking cold it would just take to much energy. plus i dont want to go out;]


she knows we're hot, and shit, you can tell...



i'm with girls, they bought them selsves some tequila, and me some whiskey. what else do i do alure?........

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