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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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I use to drink a lot of diet coke. Not because I am all paranoid of calories...but I got so use to drinking water etc that soda is just too strong for me. but then I heard that diet Coke is not as good for you as thought. SO now..its whatever.

I like:


  • arnold palmers.
  • cream soda.
  • mountain dew.
  • some ice teas.
  • strawberry lemonae
  • yeah.

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ha. wtf? maybe they arent distributing it out of state? who knows. weird.



haha i just remembered.. i ran into an old friend kristina that used to be my enemy for a long ass time but we just dropped the ish. Well bringing up old memories.. we started talking about when i fought her friend Jolene. I had my dads beemer..and we had beef with these girls for numberous reasons.. as my bestfriend's boyfriends house.. i knew they would try to fuck with my dads car so i parked in the back in this alley.. of his house..that they didnt know about. beat the shit out of this girl in the hallway, after slamming her head into the wooden door frame she was just kinda out of it..and since it was in the hallway noone could break us apart cause i wouldnt let go of her and they couldnt get through finally the guy who owned the house pushed past us in the hallway and was pushing us seperate ways and telling me that i had done enough.. at this time i had this girls hair around my hands so she couldnt move anywhere while he was pushing me but i felt bad cause it was his house so i let go as he was pushing me .. and kristina had a grab of myhoodie and was pulling me..trying to break us the fight.. so with him pushing and her yanking me back as i was letting go.. i lost my footing and Jolene leaned over the guy and got one swift punch on my cheek bone, her first hit so that pissed me off even move and so i pushed the guy out of the way and started beating the shit out of her again.. but anyway. im ranting..long story short.. i beat the shit out of her..kicked her out of the house..


kristina tells me after.. a good 2 years at least.. that when they walked out jolene saw a beemer that she thought was my dads.. it was green..my dads is white..hahaha.. she started keying it thinking it was my dads!! even though kristina told her not too.. guess the dumb bitch banged her head a few too many times.. shit had me rolling when i heard that.

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Originally posted by dELiSs

  • Alure is a thug. /gangster.
  • I am scared of her.
  • I read her story. I usually don't read things that long.




haha. im not gangster ;[



yeah. i went off.. i should have written it in a list ;]


*parked car in alley

*beat up girl

*dumb girl went and keys wrong car

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There's a major intersection by my neighborhood. Countless times on Friday and Saturday nights I've been standing outside smoking a cigarette and heard some *BRUTAL* car wrecks. The city I live in is big on that illegal street racing shit, so there's lots of kiddos with "fast" civics and shit like that. Kinda ironic too, because there was a wreck out there about an hour ago, and I heard it... waited a couple minutes, didn't hear the police. So I rode my bike over there to see what was going on, someone ran the light and 2 cars got smashed. 9-1-1, and then I go home.

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