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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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congrats on the site no. thats some good stuff. my time at 12 has been fun but i must depart for now. until i return (and seeing how some cats pop up the next day after they post this shit it might be sooner than expected but ive quit smoking so i can quit this for now as well). you protectors of the halls holding it down at night continue to do your thing, im unsure as to why one might want to but any of you are more than welcome to hit me up on email and if your coming through dallas and you need a place to stay let me know. until we meet again, hooty hooooooooooooooo.

peace and solidarity. toyeattoywar.


get off the damn computer, ill see you in the streets. ;)

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hey right on Pistol....


yeah...i still want them hosted, unfortunatley about 60 of em are on my cam and i left it in my freinds car..


so its gonna take me a minute to get em to you. plus i needa go snap a bunch more first.


but ill email you and mail the cd soon. i might actually be in LA next weekend but well see.



Thanks big Pistol

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Originally posted by dELiSs

so today in psychology class we were talkin bout sex. which is okay except my teacher is like 200 years old and even if we're not tlaking about it she brings it up. oh yeah and she always talks about her menopause. yeah im done sorry.


me and my female "friend" were watching this sex talk show. and this old couple called up and were asking about positions they could do because they have like meesed up arms and stuff. like

"well my left doesnt work and his left is like 3/4 ok, but his right is totally gone"

i was laughing up a storm, then my "friend" was like "damn stumbly wumblies should even be having sex" that put me over the top and now im laughing. hehehehehe oh god ......stumbly wumblies. hehehehhahaha.....oh yeh

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