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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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ha, funny shit. at my old college there was this big scandal about kids that go there getting all of their papers off of the internet. funny stuff.

on that note, i think i have to call it a night. i have a bag to pack tommarow and have to do a bunch of crap before i leave. until i get back, peace. see ya in a week hopefully, any longer would mean im in jail. peace.

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dude that sucks. but i guess thats how it goes being in a crew like that. the ones i was in were either heads i grew up with, ones that were so big they had smaller groups for various citys with a couple main heads to make decisions, or you had to get jumped in (pistolero living the thug life baby)

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Guest willy.wonka

i had to erase that cause i dont want no dpc nightowls of hawaii spreadin the word...my crew doesnt like thier crew:lol:


i like it that my crew is like that.its just one of those classic cover up mistakes that you would see on the movie goodfellas..i like the idea of being jumped in too..cause it feels good to get your ass kicked til the point of retardation and everybody stops to love you..puts more meaning into what youre actually getting into..its funny, cause my whole life has changed, but whenever i go back to the hood in cali im still recognized as a solano side thugsta.i think im an og..:lol:

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Guest uncle-boy
Originally posted by Pistol

fduck i still need to type up and edit this fuckin paper. blah.




once i actually bought one of those things.

it sucked ass and i coulda wrote a waay better paper.

but i was being a lazy hawaiian so i sellted for the easy shet paper.;)

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