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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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not a post whore myself. but who said anything about that? just talk to em or whatever. and i havent seen much harmonica playing jewish girls at any biohazard shows...ever. but hey whatever tickles your fancy.




and i see when is back. hello sir. havent seen you since friday, what you been up to?

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for some reason i knew you would say that... my girl just moved over there to start some talent agency thing. gonna go visit her some time, if you dont bail, we could all get shit faced, me, the lady, u, and the MLT krew. i understand there are no promises. so whatever ill let you know if im headed that way.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

if you dont bail, we could all get shit faced, me, the lady, u, and the MLT krew. i understand there are no promises.


its not that im a dick or anything

its just i have alot of shit going on and a bad memory or lack of memory

things always seem to fall through or come up


maybe i am a dick

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:lol: i know the feeling, theyve stopped calling me. im no longer invited to any parties, kick backs, nothing. sometimes ill happen to go by a friends house and i see shit loads of cars and shit out side and i feel left out but between work and more work they just figyre im too buisy to chill. and when i see all them cars and shit i dont even drop by, i figure if they wanted me there id of been invited. fuck em. i havent talked to all but 5 or 6 of my friends for months, and for some reason when they get fired from there jobs cause they come to em all smoked and drunk they always come ask me for a job....bastards.

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