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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by alure

i jumped up and down like a fucking dork i was so happy..i finally have my identity back!! and i can buy cigs again.hahaha..


nice, when i got my license revoked i was pissed

then when i got it back i did the same dork dance

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haha everyone was staring at me i did not give a fuck..i went to the mvd in the mall and i was still dancing out of the fucking mvd..and even my friend was happy and dancing it was great.. i kept on kissing my i.d. and everything..aww yeah.... AWW YEAH.. i'm getting shit done..slowly but fucking surely..

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fuck aa bunch of fucking fucks in their fucking fuckface fucks...


i got hit by a fucking truck on my bike today... i didn't break anything, and my bike's fine, but i have bruises all over my fucking legs... in particular, one that's right where my cell phone always is in myy pockets... i hurt...


on a lighter note, i went to see my friend's band play at this bar tonight, and it jusst happened to be the night when the jägermeister girls where there... woo fucking hoo...


and i'm ahnging out with that girl from high school on sunday... woo some more...

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be careful with the pukage this time around vinyl.


bleh i combed my hair for the 2nd time in a week (as opposed to thowing on the trusty LA Dodger hat.) and didn't even go anywhere.

unless you count getting 2 pairs of shorts at the mall.


almost went to San Diego this weekend.

another 2 weeks i guess.

side note i might go to a carshow on Sat instead.

hopefully it doesen't suck like the HIN at the convention center last time.

a bunch of weirdo asians with lit up cell phones, spikey hair and glow sticks. (swif's)

there's supposed to be some sluts from www.trashy.com doing a lingerie show so that could offset any homosexual activities such as house music and glowsticks.


hopefully i'll get some kick ass shots of half naked sluts.

please believe i will take the BOTH the digi and the SLR.

(chicks might be willing to do more for the SLR)

(all i need is a battery pack and a vest to look OG)

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

the jägermeister girls


i want some of those assees

yea so i wwent to this party tonite, i was gfuckin faced before i got there

off a 12 of newcastkle anf a few heines

then when i got there ythe keg was gfilled with newcastle

i was in heaven, then i got some pussy and now im here sadly

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fuck this, dress up partys suck balls, i really wanna go but i got jak shit to wear. fukn homos with there dress up bull shit. im out , later , im going to get pist and call ppl cunts

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