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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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today was the worst day ive had in a long time.

my grandpa is dying soon, he doesnt have more than a month to live

his stomach is eating itself and it will lead to his death because they have done all that they can for him. hes is a great person and im sorry that he is going so soon, it makes me mad, but i guess i just have to accept it, it will happen to us all sooner or later right? i still dont have a job and my savings are drained. my mom is coming back to town sometime between tomorrow and tuesday, she has offered me a room until i get back on my feet and can leave again. im not sure if i want to do it though, i know she wont be strict. but i know ill miss my freedom. on the other hand it is free rent which would be great. i have to make my decision soon or else ill miss out, im not sure what to do.

i hate making decisions like this. but i would like to be closer to my grandpa at this time. this fucking sucks.

i guess i have to stop being selfish and do what would be best for my family.


this whole month has been shit, and this just tops it off

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Fuckin' a When.....that sucks......my Grandparents both died.......well,one of them is still living but my both of my Grandpa's are gone.....one in '89 and the other in '97.......best of wishes bro....I know.........on another note,this board has really licked some serious ass the last few days....why?.......nobody is really posting anything worth while to respond to......oh well.......it's all just stupid shit.....yay



peace 2 tha Nightowlers.......455 might just take another hiatus...

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you know.....I just replied to Wonkas' thread in the 3rd rail about crews being dead and just spilled some shit I have had on my mind for years and now I fell the same way I did when I first heard about it.......God,I wish he was here.....FUCK!.....also I will take this little segment to give a RIP shout to my old friend Sandy Sutherlin....who,back when we were in 4th grade was kidnapped,raped and murdered.....her body was not found until they tore the defunct church down on the corner of Centnilla(sorry,I can't spell right now) and Hazel street in '87......I still think of her every fuckin' day.......God dammit!so much potential wasted......I know that Pistol and When will feel this because I am sure this kind of shit has happened to some YOUR friends in the past......sure,I love L.A.



but not as much as Randy Newman.......keep your head up always.....

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To add,


I've laughed,

I've cried,

I've grown from reading this 150 page plus 12oz. soap opera.

I've seen the holidays pass, and birthdays celebrated,

The hate the love,

The acceptance,




You guys are the best group of people ever



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haha man i was joking. lets not take it too far....













































































































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That's right Pistol kill those people invading our thread. You know... I remember back in the day when this thread was started. I really hated it, I don't know why. I think it was because everytime I'd log on at night time this'd be at the top.... all night.


I am wiser now.


Non NightOwl = I stab you and play in your blood.

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