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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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My little brother pre ordered that game and we had it for like 3 days right after it came out...... when his GeForce2 GTS bit the dust. Now he has an old Banshee card in his comp. So we only got to scratch the surface of how cool that game really is..... needless to say we's a bit pissed, but he's gettin GeForce 5 soon. And it's not going to be the off brand ELSA version. ELSA went out of business so there is no way to redeem the value of the video cards warranty.... shite!


Cool game... it is my firm belief, however, that it killed the video card with it's ill graphics.

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a little response to my big long rant...





fluffyfukinteddybear: your on fucking point.


DaveScattered: damn, commin correct with that shit.


vinyl junkie: ya know, one more thing here... you said "what's punk about tagging"? why does it have to be punk? why does there have to be anything remotely punk rock about it? it's this "i'm so fucking punk and therefore so much cooler than you" attitude that gets people hating punks...

do you have a problem with things that aren't punk, or more particular in graffiti's case, things that are founded in hip hop? heaven forbid people appreciate a different culture than you, or, even worse, start blending cultures!

as i type this, i'm sitting here in a pair of classic nikes, adidas track pants, a scurvy dogs shirt, and i'm listening to circle jerks...

i'm so punk it hurts and by the way i am a much better human being than you... (oh god i hope you can detect the sarcasm there...)

why not come down off your throne and have a discussion here?


steve: asshole, please point out where I said I would turn this person into the cops. And please stop threatening my health and life.


unitedblood: haha.

I love people who are too blinded by their own ignorance to actually take something useful to heart.


Oh, and vinyl junkie.....


you talk too much. xoxox




DaveScattered: actually if you read vinyl junkie's post you'll see that he wasn't threatening you. remember this:


"if you send someone in a tough crew to prison you could easily have 40 or 50 people out looking to seriously hurt you, if not kill you... keep in mind i’m not saying this as a threat at all, simply as a word of advice so you don’t get hurt"?


so yeah, maybe next time read the whole thing before you start calling people assholes, asshole.


steve: I read through that entire thing. If someone says, "not to threaten you, but ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GOING TO KILL YOU, so don't fuck with me or you'll get hurt!" it's still a threat. I don't recall typing anything about calling any damn cops. Please point out where I did.


DaveScattered: how about this:


"Can someone here tell me what is punk rock, diy, or revolutionary about tagging? Holy shit, I am so mad right now. I'd have half a mind to call the cops, if I were into that sort of thing."


steve: Now that I have had a few minutes to cool down and am slightly less afraid of you, I would just like to say:

Oh yeah! Well, my friend, I am even less punx rawk than you are! I drive, wear totally unremarkable clothes, have short hair, shower all the time, eat whatever food I can get that is tasty, vegan or not, have never done anything for the 'scene,' have never drank or smoked but don't care if others do, have been listening to 'H-to-the-izzo' all morning long, and shoot guns at paper! So there! Nyah nyah nyah!

I would have let that out sooner, but I missed the "punkrock" post.


steve: "I [would] have half a mind to call the cops, if I were into that sort of thing."

Would, in this case, means: "used in auxiliary function in the conclusion of a conditional sentence to express a contingency or possibility <if he were coming, he ~ be here right now.>" The order of the phrases is reversable, i.e, "he would be here right now if he were coming," means the same as the example given in the definition. "If I were into that sort of thing," implies that I am not, because, in this case, "if" means, "on the condition that." Also, the inclusion of the phrase "half a mind" implies uncertainty, weakening the statement further.

The meaning of the sentence is simply the following: "I was so angered by it, for a brief second, it almost made me consider doing something I would never do."


vinyl junkie: ok... first off, you did say the whole half a mind to call the cops thing, and then you said the thing about talking to your neighbor who works for the city... that is reason enough to assume that the thought went through your head, right?

also, let me repeat again, i am not threatening you! i never said anything like "not to threaten you, but ALL MY FRIENDS ARE GOING TO KILL YOU, so don't fuck with me or you'll get hurt!"

i sadi that there are many people who would gladly kick your ass for something like this...

I AM NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! there's plenty of people who know me on this board, and who can stand up for the fact that i am not a violent person, and wouldn't wish harm on anybody...

i simply told you all the warning to keep you safe...


now then, i hope you can move past these assumed threats, and actually read the rest of the stuff i wrote... graffiti means a lot to me- as a punk, as a b-boy, as an activist... if people are talking shit about it i will try to talk to them- regardless of who they are... i will always try to explain the idea behind the movement, i will always try to gather support...


wouldn't you like to take back part of your city, no matter how small the piece is or how juvenile the action may be?


steve: fear fading. fear, gone. Sorry I blew up at you, homes. I've had big groups of people threaten to hurt me before, and it ain't fun.


vinyl junkie: i'm glad that's cleared up... i've been in that situation too (again, ask people on the board) and i know it sucks...


now then: "wouldn't you like to take back part of your city, no matter how small the piece is or how juvenile the action may be?"


steve: Heck, now that I look like a goof, it was that I was very insulted by the idea that someone would think I would snitch to the cops, as well as being afraid. (I was afraid, too! It wasn't only ego, by a long shot.)

My neighbor works for the city works dept. They aren't known for carrying bats and whomping kids and minorities. As my friends will attest, I am cheap. I wanted to borrow some of the remover from him, but he didn't have it.

Anyway, I really do want to take back this park. I would really like to go someplace and not have it be covered with black scribbles, or anything. I can go back there, and all of a sudden it's just bike and pavement and trees and me. And the occaisional warning sign. I don't want to look at anything that's not part of that. So, frankly, if one person can decide it looks better with a tag on it, I can also decide it looks better without the tag.

Someone has told me that I am destroying something someone made. Well, what the person made damaged or destroyed what people made years ago, and what lots of people enjoy every day.


vinyl junkie: i don't agree with writing in a park or reserve or anything, these aren't ours to be taken back, but when you get into the city, where you're surrounded by huge buildings which only exist to take your money, wouldn't you like to take some of theirs? you'd shut down a starbucks or a GAP if you could, right? well i'm trying...


unitedblood: go back to the anti-starbucks thread if you want to talk about this. hahaha.


steve: "Lots of kids with nothing to do!

Important in the eyes of few.

A town with nothing for the young!

And so our crusade has begun....


cover the buildings, the walls, and the streets


graveyard grafitti this whole fuckin' city

Something's creeping up your way!

With cans of paint and things to say.

We wait until the dead of night!

And nail everything in sight..."


vinyl junkie: unitedblood, if i wanted to stand outside a starbucks and hold a candle while singing the non-christian version of kumbayah, i would be in the starbucks thread thread...

personally, i think spray paint across the door and a brick through the window, sends a much stronger message... not to mention it's a lot more fun...


Posi Guy: 1. Getting bent out of shape over graffiti on road signs and guard rails is silly. Getting bent out of shape over graffiti on people's houses and trees is not. Getting bent out of shape over graffiti on most government-owned properties is just stupid and I refuse to listen to any argument as to why I am wrong for saying that.


2. ...


3. Seems like most "taggers" these days are egotistical assholes, yet whiny and self-righteous. Meaning, alternating the idea that you're somehow the shit because you have enough time on your hands to go out and scribble a mostly unreadable name about 7000 times all over the city, yet acting like a bitch because some other dude (or dudette) with an equally large ego writes their dumb name about 10,000 times all over the city. "That motherfucker takes all the good spots!" That motherfucker's faster than you are and you should have been out there fucking shit up instead of eating dinner at home with your rich parents, right?


But at the same time...


4. "What is punk rock or DIY or revolutionary about [graffiti]?" I'll try not to reiterate vinyl junkie too much here, although it really does not get much more DIY than graffiti. Let's eliminate the argument for the environmental harm spray paint fumes cause now, because guess what? The cigarettes you smoke, the records you buy, the car you drive, and the very life you live are all things that are harmful to the environment, so let's never bring that up again. You can get a can of spray paint for little more than a dollar at times, cut up a stencil into a piece of cardboard that you found on the street, go out into the night, and spread your own message to the world, be it "FUCK YOU," "I'M GONNA KICK THE ASS OF GOD," "NICE MULLET," or the all-important "FREE MUMIA!" Spending very little money for hours of fun is great when you're poor and/or homeless. Actually, I think this little paragraph sums up (to me, anyway) as to what is punk rock, DIY, and revolutionary about graffiti. And the fact that you [steve] know the lyrics to "Red and Black" say one of two things: 1) You already knew the answer to your own question. 2) It takes you a while to absorb the ideas on a lyric sheet. So, uh, what are YOU doing for punk rock, DIY, and the revolution anyway?


4. Don't believe the hype. vinyl junkie is a violent fucking thug that will rip out your spleen and skullfuck your girlfriend if you even as much look at his graffiti. Ha, ha, ha!


5. I don't care if you're the most die-hard vegan that recycles and just happens to be the president of Earth First!. Your existence as a human being on this planet is harmful to the environment, and I am just as guilty as you are, so shut up. If you really cared about the environment, you'd kill yourself. Plenty of you should anyway. Be the first on your block to REALLY do something for your planet!



A wise man once said to me: "It ain't shit if it ain't hardcore."




that’s it so far... i edited some stuff out that was irrelivant or had too much personal info, but that’s pretty much it...


ps... 2000!


pps... i just watched josie and the pussycats for like the 8th time, and yes, it rocks, and is full of lovely ladies...

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was I missed?


I broke my computer and in that time period I went to my first rave...but luckily I went there on bussiness..I was a vendor selling toshirt, cd, tapes, and glow sticks...whiel at the rave 2 girls wanted me to roll witht hem and offered to pay for my pills and some 23 year old ex stripper wants to fuck me.



BUT I GOT MY BABY WORKING...I kissed and confessed my love to my comptuer when I got it up and running

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Guest deadmansrum.

aye, mr. morris. i had me scurvy once. urination was not an act i relished. however, i once saw a man take a chain shot from a cannon to the groin. methinks he could not have felt the pain, for there was little left of him, but the sight was something i wish to forget. so be merry, mr. morris, for you still have your jewels.

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