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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by Pistol

you know there can only be one #1.

There might be some shit going down soon on 12oz.

Watch your back homie!:cool:


well 'i got my pistol pawn cocked ready to lay shots non stop till i see a monkey ass drop' :lol:

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Originally posted by Pistol

Maybe Devilush will help make a supercrew.

Nightowls and Stonecutters

but which one is #1?:rolleyes:


i am the supercrew!!! hahahaha :lol:

shhhieeeeet....it's the stonecutters. but i'm not hatin on the people part of the night owl crew. i got made love for everyone!!


humph...i guess i am juniour night crew. i'm getting old eh?

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Re: well good night boys and girls....


Originally posted by willy.wonka

im outa here.....NIGHTOWLS!!!!!!


im gonna go howl at the moon.


actually nightwolfs howl at the moon, you just hoot

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Re: man my sleepytime is fucked


Originally posted by willy.wonka

5:40 in the AM and this internet bullshit is keeping me glued to my seat..

i need to be up by 11....fuck.


if you fall asleep now, you'll never make it!

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what's up n.o.?

im looking all over for my fucking camera. can't find that fucker anywhere. i even bought film for dday today. my girl is in bed sleeping so i can't turn on the lights, make lot's of noise, and flip shit over.

:confused: :mad:

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tell her the nightowls demand for you to find your camera

if she gives any lip just hoot at her until she calls you an ass and goes back to sleep


im not going tomorrow (today) but for your sake i hope its better than last year

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yeah he's one of the doc's. i think i'm either gonna go reclaim my section of bed or go outside @ 4am with a maglite and look for the camera in thr car like a tweeker.:eek:


Or else I'll buy a 130$ camera @ Best Buy on the way use it then return it. Hopefully I don't break that shit. GHETTO.


see ya round http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon24.gif'>


I'll probably post a few flicks tommorow late night.

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DDay was descent this time around. The stage was moved all the way to the right. Got to see Rakim. Too bad I got there late and my friend started to want to go home exactly at 5:00 when the beer was cut off. I didn't really get a chance to take too many pictures. I recorded some MPEG vids of the bikini contest but they were kinda small and I wasn't close. Some dude passed out next to me. He just went down. Fool was all limp and they had to drag him to the sound booth. I was gonna take a picture but figured bad karma would fuck me in the parking lot (car almost wouldn't start when I was ready to leave to DDay).


fucking 10 freeway and the traffic. From the fairplex to somewhere. why the hell is it always so crowded? it's so far away from everything? Came home just in time for the Simpsons and before the girlfriend went home for some "after carshow sex".

Yes, she stayed home.:cool:

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

i have now made it a goal to have 2000 posts by the end of the month....this useless piece of babble gets me now one post closer.


So how's it going Zack?

Any new stalkers?

Feel free to post one message for each question asked.;)

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