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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Pointless Story


Theres this guy where i work whos the best worker the company has....KILLS everybody else at sales, etc, his got a really bad temper


i found out his an avid heroin user the other day, which is strange because i always thought heroin ruled peoples lives but this guy puts in 50 hours a week.

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Well actually.....I've been drawing a ton and selling artwork at the bars and am about to sketch an album cover for some band in Portland....so I guess that's cool.


My situation with the female gender has taken a 180 degree turn-around too(in the good way)......the last couple of months....hahaha....I'm stoked. I guess it happened when I quit rocking a shaved head and grew my hair out to point where it kinda looks like Steve Stevens in Billy Idol's "Eyes Without A Face" video..haha...it's lookin' crazy.


It suprises the basic looking "hip-hop" kids when I rip them to pieces on open-mic nights....lol


Hope everyone else is doing good.....peace 'Owls.


455 here...over and out.

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m@Nov 17 2004, 01:26 AM

haha, 455 killen mics? i never knew. got any material i could take a listen too?


Word upski without William Wimsatt.....good lookin' out on the shout...I bet cats want to really know what I'm about.....I've been composing lyrics for around 13 years...since '92.....and all I hear now is wack ish so no sense in rewindin' you....unless ya bring some hotness.....you could join the boys in blue and still can't cop this....I'm fuckin' loaded off the Jager drunkin favor I don't wanna savor.....hahaha.....maybe I should stop this before you spot this.....

my mental splits like bananas to amatuers who try to take away my stamina I'm hot like magma shinin' rays gamma.....lol.....I can't even type right......but that wouldn't stop me from shovin' the mic some wack mc's windpipe.....sorry.....I'm wasted.....and 3 shots of Jose' was the last thing I tasted.....yet I can still be innovative......


"muffs.......New Deal.......yes sir.....Ron Knigge?......that dude was fresh......thank you Giant for all those Kenny Reed boards I focused when I got pissed.......


tonight was fun as fuck......and I sold some work from my folder.......made some scratch and after the night..lol.....my pockets are again flat.....till tomarra.....


oh "fantom".....I do have some "basement" shit I could send you.......I have an "ep" comin' out and am moving to New York soon.....I'm going to a cover for Louis Logic and probably cut a few tracks with him......he's a cool cat......we saw eye to eye......peace Owls.....over and out...

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