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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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alure, glad to hear your doing good. i was joking about the shit comment, it didnt reall bother me i wa sjust givin ya shit.;) , it sounds like your having alot of fun. dont lie you know you enjoy getting up every two hours and caring for that little bundle of joy you created. glad to hear you ahvent started smoking or nothing too. its healty for ya mom. when, whats going on good sir? i have to say im quite angry with you in the fact that now it is raining hear and it sucks so very much to go out and smoke. you jinxing bastard.:lol: :lol: krie, whats crackin when can i send my book down? i quit hang in there kid, you can make it

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i got two jobs interviews tomorrow

one for powder coating

another for a storeman's position in a wood factory

id prefer the powder coating one, but well see how it goes

i just need something to tie me down for 6mnths before the army will let me in

its boring sitting at home, not much happens on 12oz anymore like it did when i worked at a computer and i spent all day and night on here

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im so fucking trashed

i rtook my broken roommate to a club tonite

so he could forget about his brokenness


anyway were cool with the bartender so we got flowed drinks all night, cheap

i finished almost a 20 of the piss bud light by the time we got there

then the night was steady jager and redbulls and blue hawaiians


im seeing double to say the least

my roommate had a great time

and i had a better time


i saw this chick i went to highschool with

it was weird, i had fucked her every which way in highschool

but we lost touch a while back

anyway she was there with her boyfriend

i did not know this.

all i heard was 'When!'

and was like 'whats up hotstuff?!'

'howve you been babygirl?!'

then after a friendly kiss she introduced me to her dillhole boyfriend

who was giving me the evil eye the whole time

i gave him a handshake and he tried to do the

'whats up shake'

you know the kind of handshake that turns into a slapping of hand into the fist together shit

i told him 'to shake my hand like a man'

laughed gave my old fling another hug and left the area

this just pissed him off and he kept staring at me

whatever ya know, its his problem if he cant be a grown up about shit


then i saw this girl i hooked up with last halloween and chit chatted with her for a bit

shes super cool and HOT

we'll probably do something later this week


anyhow as i sit here toasted i keeo thinking to myself, it was a good night

i even got to throw down the whiteboy shuffle a few times on the dance floor


cheers bitches.

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Originally posted by When

i gave him a handshake and he tried to do the

'whats up shake'

you know the kind of handshake that turns into a slapping of hand into the fist together shit


I hate that hand shake :lol:

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Originally posted by krie

I hate that hand shake :lol:


i know, i mean yeah back in highschool

it was alright

but shit man ive been out of there for a while now

its a regular handshake or nothing these days


im thinking he was young though

i could be wrong however

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This is my 2nd year out of high school and i still get some people trying to pull the ol whatsup hand shake.. just a normal one will do me..

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nightowls, how goes it? today was a bunch of bullshit, i just thought id share it with you. it was raining when i went to go to work. no bus money an i had to walk. i get to work cold,wet and tired. i get my paycheck and its alot less than i expected. goddammit. so it started to hail. right on. my friend picked some up and formed a snow ball, threw it at our boss. rofl. so a hail/snowball fight pursued. my friend got this girls shirt wet, that was cool. then heavy rains come. note* i hate when for jinxing me. my apartment patio is filled with three inches of rain, no smoking tonight for me. on the way home, the car ran out of gas, so my roomate(also my boss) told me "dude, i have to watch the car, go get a gas can and fill it up and bring it back", so i get out of the car, and walk to the nearest gas station in the pouring rain. got splashed by a bunch of cars. wich i dont really mind because i know i would have done it myself. anyways, i get to the gas station and realize he didnt give me any money. so i pay for the gas can and fill it up with my money, then proceed to walk back while its still raining. then we go to the liqour store and i buy a carton of smokes and two bottles of booze because my roomate hasnt cashed his check yet. which means hell forget before he pays me back for the booze,gascan,and gas. then get home to find i cant smoke the smokes i bought to smoke. so hear i am. disgrunteld, cold, soaking, and tired. how is everyone else?

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