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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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rental, kinda hard to explain..i probally will only smoke a ciggeratte in the party environment..but its the choice of being able to smoke a ciggeratte or being in a smokey environment ..i dont know.. i would never smoke near my child and i dont want to start the habit up again.. cause its just useless money being thrown out that could go towards my child..but having one now and then..wouldn't hurt.. i dont know if that made sense;]





When..thanks;] i'm really nervous.. but excited at the same time..all i know is that its going to be rough contractions and all..all that pain and not being able to do anything until i can get an epidural.. hopefully i wont fart or shit all over the place..haha sounds disgusting but you know that happens.. hahaha.. cause you cant feel anything from the waist down.. maybe to much info..anyway..me and my mom have been scrubbing my entire house...and it having 3 levels it's taking forever... i'm just getting really restless with this waiting bullshit..come out kid..i cant wait to see what he'll look like!!

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Originally posted by alure

When..thanks;] .. hopefully i wont fart or shit all over the place..haha sounds disgusting but you know that happens.. hahaha.. cause you cant feel anything from the waist down.. maybe to much info..come out kid..i cant wait to see what he'll look like!!


youre welcome hotstuff, hope all goes well

ha i think you should fart and shit just for the hell of it

when else will you get this chance with no consequence?

much love to you and your son to be

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my computer had viruses, i knew it was running way too slow, anyway i got a crack for my norton antivirus subscription, now i'm subscribed until 2029, the problem is that some important files were infected including win32 or something like that, which isimportant evidently, so now i'm going to try and submit the files i want fixed to norton.

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haha bute yeah i am, im bout 6 foor 2 or 3

no doubt u where at the same pub ey ?

gotta come say hello some time mate


well krie is one step closer to joinin the military. i called today and have lodged an application form, then i get a call to come into main office in my state and sit a medical, a grade 10 equivlant test (easy as i graduated from grade 12) then they will look at the score's and give me a list of jobs suitable to me. hoorah

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i've been so restless the last couple of days.. bleh ... my doctors appointment is tommorow at 9:45 am and they will schedule a date to induce me, i wonder when.. or if i'll go into labor before my inducement date.. i'm in a really weird mood right now..i cant really explain it..

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i'm really scared of going into labor..but honestly i'm so sick of being pregnant at the same time.. geezus.....i know he is just getting all plump in there, he is already fully devoloped.. watch me give birth to a 9 pound baby!! haha..well i hope that doesnt happen... i dont think i could.. doctors are estimating 6 1/2 ..7 pound baby.. maybe i should have taken a birthing class..cause now i'm getting scared!!


so anyone been to baltimore? i've heard good things about it.. that it was really fun, and one of my friends said it was her favorite city..but i heard it was cold as fuck..i hate cold cold weather.. its going to be such a diffirent culture shock..i mean i've moved around alot but i moved to new mexico when i was 14..and i've done alot of growing up here..and its the longest place that i have ever lived at.. sooooo its going to be kinda weird.. who knows..


oh something shitty..my girl got fucked up the other night. she was at a party..and some girl started talking shit to her..so the two of them started fighting.. well she was beating the shit out of this girl when some guy started kicking her..so she gets up and tells him 'why the fuck are you kicking me' and he fucking socks her in the face twice..and lays her out... none of her boys did anything..grrrr.. they just stood there and when she told them..they were like "what do you want me to do about it?" so she fucking threw a huge rock in that guys face and it hit him and he chased her ..and started punching her in the back of the head.. nobody at the party did anything..didnt tell that guy to stop or anything..what the fuck is wrong with people i would have fucking slamed a brick into the back of his head.. that shit pisses me off..it was a girl on girl fight..oh lets beat up on woman.. your real tough..anyway he fucking broke her checkbone.. and she's getting a catscan today..

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Heyy..... Baltimore is super nice town. I've been living in DC/Baltimore area for a while now. DC is nice too but damn the traffic and parking is on the top ten list for the worst. Yeah it gets cold but it ain't as cold as detroit! This last spring/summer/fall it rained almost every day here I swear to god. It's probably another effect of global warming.


Damn sorry to hear about your girl. That is so lame. The most I would ever do to a girl is restrain her. That is bullshit. That would never happen if I was around and I certainly wouldn't want to be hanging around people like that or I'd be getting real angry. I don't need that shit. I hope she's alright. Fucking lame-oes.

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nice.. aww man i hate traffic.. haha yesterday my poor mom had to go pee so bad i thought she was going to pee in her pants and we were stuck in traffic on the freeway..about 1/2 a mile from the gasstation so i just drove on the median all the way to the gas station..haha...


do you go to the bars and clubs?? how far is baltimore from new york??



werd..i mean i dont know what pisses me off more..the guy socking her in the face..i mean she wasnt fucking hitting him..she was just fighting some chick.. or the fact that her boys didnt do anything..or that nobody did anything..grr the whole thing pisses me off... she called me today and was crying saying she looked like a monster..i'm just glad she went to the hospital cause i had to talk her into it i thought maybe her nose was broken.. ughh i want her to press charges...fuck that..

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