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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Seems the only time I get to sketch recently is at work during lunch
  2. Fucking love it, that's what I WANT my defence forces to do!! Oh, and I love how they have the "some people might be offended" at the start of the story. People get offended at something that hardly even resembles a dick in real life - offended at a depiction of human anatomy. People are so fucking precious.
  3. Well, there’s certainly a few threads about where we go over the glory days where you can do that. Little else but eulogies and tumbleweeds these days.
  4. Finally got my shit together and put a brew on. Was supposed to start off simple with extract and maybe some dry hopping. But noooooo, I couldn't help myself and decided to do a half boil and ended up with a frankenbrew. 1 can of Coopers IPA extract 200gm of crystal malt 750gm dextrose 165gm of LME 90gm of DME 30 gm of Amarillo for 60mins 12gm of Citra and 15gm of Amarillo for 10ins Problem was that as I was steeping the crystal malt I put the stove on low and got distracted. Came back and found it at 95c, which probably messed it up. Flavour had turned from sweetness to tea flavour (no astringency though). Also, I put the extract into the mash and boiled it for 30 mins and there was a bit of a burnt flavour in it so I added another 250gm of dextrose and made the whole volume of water at 30lt instead of 28lt. The final flavour seems ok, the initial gravity reading was 1033 (but at 22c and I haven't converted so it may be a little lower). Now the challenge will be keeping it below 20c as the days get warmer. I haven't acquired a fridge yet but will soonish....., was getting back into brewing to save money and I've spent well over AUD$200 just to get set up again!!
  5. Reckon you could do it in the toy thread where you belong? Still not convinced that you're not a troll.
  6. AAAAaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! god damn that's some horrible looking shit! burn it and then everything you've ever touched and hang on, you trolling, huh?
  7. Anyone want to have some fun with this? we have choose you, Join the Great Illuminati by contacting us : Great-illuminati09@outlook.com for more info. ________________________________________ Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg / We welcome calls in Welsh and English. Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn y Gymraeg a'r Saesneg - byddwn yn ymateb yn gyfartal i'r ddau ac yn ateb yn eich dewis iaith heb oedi / We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English - we will respond equally to both and will reply in your language of choice without delay. Mae'r e-bost ac unrhyw ffeiliau a drosglwyddir gydag ef yn breifat ac wedi'u bwriadu ar gyfer defnydd yr unigolyn neu'r endid y maent yn cael sylw. Os nad chi yw'r derbynnydd y bwriedid y E-bost ac unrhyw ffeiliau wedi cael eu trosglwyddo i chi mewn camgymeriad, rhowch wybod i'r anfonwr ar unwaith a dinistrio y deunydd a storio ar gyfrifiadur neu fel arall; yn ogystal, bydd unrhyw ddefnydd gopïo, dosbarthu neu eraill y wybodaeth geir ynddynt yn gwahardd yn llym. Dim gweithiwr Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub yn cael ei awdurdodi i ddod i'r casgliad unrhyw gytundeb cyfrwymol ar ran yr awdurdod gydag unrhyw barti arall yn unig gan y defnydd o e-bost - Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub. Gall E-bost adael y Canolbarth a Gorllewin Cymru Gwasanaeth Tân ac Achub yn cael ei logio, ei monitro a / neu ei chofnodi am resymau cyfreithiol. This email and any files transmitted with it are private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to which they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient the E-mail and any files have been transmitted to you in error please notify the sender immediately and destroy the material whether stored on computer or otherwise; in addition, any copying, distribution or other use of the information contained in them is strictly prohibited. No employee of the Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service is authorised to conclude any binding agreement on behalf of the authority with any other party solely by the use of e-mail - Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service. E-mails leaving the Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes.
  8. I haven't shot since I left the army but a lot of mates still hunt, target shoot and trap shoot. *Take your guns to church, people.
  9. Love that Tshirt - "united as one, Divided by none (except when turning FBI informer....)"
  10. That Rekt and Egoroc are top notch. Would love to see some clear/shapr pics of them if anyone has them.
  11. Things are reaching their slowest ebb yet around here.....
  12. Stick to letters until you get them as they are the basis of graf.
  13. A crude effort but you see what I’m saying about constructing a letter.
  14. The bars on your X don't line up making the letter out of whack. the hole in your R doesn't line up and the down bar of your T is skinnier than the two side bits coming down off the top. Look below for what I mean about lining up the bars. When you're starting off you have to construct your letters until you have enough experience to create them. Read back through this thread, all the mistakes that can be made have been made and the lessons are already there to be learned. Take the time to read, listening is have the effort of "putting in work".
  15. Crits are that you really should be in the toy thread, dude. Have a good read through of that thread because all that can really be said is in those pages. Although, with such little traffic I’m unsure that anyone but me still gives a shit....
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