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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Oh wow, there's the piece I was talking about: For me, back in the day, that was the coolest thing I'd seen in Sydney. Thanks for posting @Blackbookinkif I was still in Sydney I'd get along to that.
  2. lol, where was that? My rave days were from late 1980s to 93, largely stopped when I joined the army. Went to some crackers out at Wiseman's Ferry (Happy Valley, I think?). Went to some pretty good dance parties in the Metro circa 97-2000. Probably one of my best experiences was Crystal Method and Prodigy at BDO, but I think that was actually into the 2000s.
  3. They were all good, Sach was even a mate for a while (never really rated him much, though), JCEE was awesome as was Sevn, Scram and others. I just think MrE had it on everyone else (style, design, letters, technique and those charos), closely followed by Snooze and Tudor. Last time I saw MrE he was talking about going to graphic arts college, which was, incidentally how I met Sach. Not sure if he ever got there, I hope he did. Snooze and the rest of the Fab4 did this fucking amazing piece just near lady Mac's Chair and the art gallery not long after the Chenobyl meltdown. It had a dude with his skin falling off giving the thumbs up in front of a reactor with the words "Man's wisdom will lead him to hell". Looked to be a lot of Tuxan and Buntlach and was probably the best thing I'd seen ever painted in Sydney. Wish I could find a picture of it these days.
  4. Just having a laugh, mate. Nobody does that. It's likely related to how many posts you have or something as superficial and meaningless as that. The only thing that matters here is the quality of your posts.
  5. When you sign up we do a police background check on you, put word out on the street and give your parents a call. If you're under 15 you get the junior member label and so on up the chain.
  6. Is there ever a good time to get sick, though?
  7. Micronauts, whatever the fuck they were. I only wanted the big one because the kid across the road had one and he was a dick about it. Hate that guy.
  8. They're the ones. For me, MrE, Tudor and Snooze were the best writers Syd ever saw. Closely followed by Unique, Haro, Dmote, Joker MTV
  9. Nice, thanks. Best pieces M ever did, IMO, were the angels standing either side of the city/Syd, on the southern line (can't recall the station), circa 87 and that multiheaed dragon piece near Lewisham station on the side of the recording studio. If I recall correctly, both were done with Unique. I had my photo album from that era stolen, such a pity.
  10. I walked the streets a couple of times with Mystery over thirty years ago and he remains one of the country's top writers in my opinion. Keen to see what he did if you have pics.
  11. Not to blow up the spot but what part of Syd is that? Thanks for posting.
  12. It’s also not censorship, it’s whistleblower protection, the same thing people say Snowden should receive
  13. That’s a fucked up thing to do dude. You and I have no idea of the truth because of the cyclone of shit swirling around him at the moment, he may have done the right t thing for all we know, and there are idiots out there that will harm the guy.
  14. always wanted one of these Only ever had these
  15. And just to clarify, that post was not a shot at @Dirty_habiTI understand that it's a meme thread and its about the lolz than much else. I guess it just hits home a little more when you have your wife, baby and mother at home with a grab bag and a car full of fuel because you're told you may have to evacuate in the coming days and you haven't heard from close friends in a week because their house is probably ashes now.
  16. The bit I love about this meme is that's a photo of Sydney that is being impacted by serious bushfire smoke. But it's not even summer yet and we've got horrendous bushfires already. The Climate Scientists warned that summers would get longer, bushfire seasons would get longer and more intense. That prediction is turning out as accurate with hundreds of people losing their houses, farms and lives. The Farmers Union is pissed off that our conservative govt refuses to acknowledge that climate change is destroying them and their livelihoods. I wonder if anyone ever believes memes like that and whether they work to polarise peope's opinions. Oh well...
  17. If I never step foot in another grimy Chinese internet/gaming den it will be too soon. Get cancer just sitting in them, the seats make you itchy and I've seen dudes jerking off in them more than once.
  18. Gotta say it, I thought ray was a troll but I was wrong. Definitely improving. Small piece of advice for the last one, the inside hollow of the A breaches the top bar of the A, the split needs to be a little shorter on the inside.
  19. Agree with working on the ship too. I'm around politicians and govt all the time and most of the elected people I've come across are utter fucking pigs. But the people that work around them and beneath them, most of them are good people trying to do good things. Do some of them want to amass power and budget, absolutely. Do many of them, especially in the national security community want to reduce regulation and increase the public's ability to take care of themselves? Absolutely. The majority of people I've worked with in the US from the community are pro-gun as well. I don't hold it against people who don't support govt. I definitely want to reduce govt and most conservative folk in govt do too. However, I have also watched many countries in the world where govt is removed and what fills the vacuum is far, far worse. I often wonder if govt is the best of a bad choice. Agree with @Fist 666as well. Pretty bemused how people think posting interesting shit written by experts is a bad thing. I know @Mercerreads a good deal but I can't understand how others who don't read much think that they're smart enough to understand complex issues on merit of simply being themselves. I also have to admit that part of the reason I post the articles I read is so people can forget using that bullshit cop out of "you just parrot the MSM". Not that this has stopped some of those who just want to attack instead of actually discuss with an open mind.
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