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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Joe - No malarkey Warren - 1/1024th malarkey Harris - Stop that malarkey or go to jail Bloomberg - no malarkey over 16 ounces Sanders - seize the means of malarkey Buttigieg - white malarkey Yang - 1000 malarkeys for everyone Williamson - The real malarkey was inside us all along
  2. CSIRO @CSIRO #4oclockfact The US gaming community emits as much carbon dioxide as all of Sri Lanka.
  3. Getting a handy whilst texting whilst driving: Nonsense.
  4. Hey assholes, Looking for recommendations for wireless buds (mountainbike riding, yard work, around the office, sleeping, etc) for USD$75-100 Bass is pretty important, as is having the noise-blocking silicon grommet thingies.
  5. Sure, but monarchies and autocracies make up the bulk of human history and thus, the bulk of human conflict. Therefore, getting rid of ideology wouldn't get rid of war, it's just another element/vehicle of what truly plagues us.
  6. I don’t think ideology is the fundamental driver of our proclivity to war. Whilst it is a problem, removing it won’t fix things. I wish it really was that simple.
  7. Shaving and ewok doesn't stop it from being an ewok. Third moon of Endor trash.
  8. Nope, the person who took the puc was though.
  9. Trash angry eyebrows. Smash tennis juggernaut.
  10. The epitome of non sense: In actual fact, the world Health Organisation said the precise opposite. The outbreak was caused by LACK OF FUCKING VACCINATIONS. The cunts that made this fake article need a good head stomping. .
  11. Seen at an HK protest march last night:
  12. lol, what a fuckng idiot. CBR is brown like that country shot you posted and we got belched on by those fires as well last night. The place looked like New Delhi or Beijing when I woke up this morning.
  13. Quick work place sketch. I usually stay away from complex letters, connections and arrows as I prefer simplicity. But thought I’d do something a little different, lost patience by the time I got to the T. Should have made it an M.
  14. Christ, there are some hilarious ones out there (not meaning to bomb this thread with political stuff but they're technically not memes)
  15. This is the most appropriate and only response it deserves
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