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Everything posted by aLBERThOFFMAN

  1. Hahahah, wow. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhlxiag106913FUPZz
  2. This. Quality internet lurking on everyone's part. I raise my glass to all of you.
  3. Watching bdsm videos that homie linked me. Should I be ashamed that I can't get hard, let alone fap? Finding it odd that motherfuckers need tears and 2+ dicks in a bitches asshole with another man gagging her to get off. Smh. But do your thing if you're into that, I don't judge...
  4. Dear Rachel from work, Why must you be the only female in a 100 meter radius? You're tricking me into thinking you're a 9 when you're really a 4. The mermaid effect is real. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=mermaid%20effect Mr. hOFFMAN
  5. Haha hater. I'm small but I'm not a dumbfuck. Way to state the irrelevant brah.
  6. By support I meant cushioning. Went to my homie's gym the other day cause it was too damn cold to lift in buddy's garage. Always get a kick out of watching people's horrible form, roided out motherfuckers raging at themselves in the mirror and the abundance of chicken-legged curl and bench jockeys.
  7. I don't actually go to a commercial gym but i don't think it would be a problem to them, pretty sure my buddy does it at his. And try it man. If you think about it, having cushioning under your feet will add somewhat of a resistance when squatting/overhead pressing/deadlifts which you do not want. I find not wearing shoes gives you more drive, similar to lifting shoes. Everyone has different preferences tough.
  8. For the emotionless pessimist in all of us: Pretty good imo. Not long, easy read.
  9. Got too drunk for a Sunday. Tomorrow is gonna suck..
  10. A retard trying to show off http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh7Pdzz0QQgr7Qr10x and a troll http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhys5w51LdM8PONQ97
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