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Everything posted by ..romero..

  1. i know what you mean.:lol: tried your name alts.. idk if i like it or not, but whatever... keep the thread alive and all. hope you like it.
  2. facepalming at this whole thread right about now. c'mon son. can i get teh crits or no?
  3. i don't want to break up your internet fight but can i get some crits or something for this? idk.. i really don't know how i feel about the flow, the ME doesnt seem to flow the same as the ROE. but im not sure if it's just me being over analytical or whatever.. also if anyone wants to do a handstyle exchange that would be dope too haha.
  4. anyways, anyone wanna do an exchange or something? im fucking bored and hot.
  5. i resent that :( :o :bawling:
  6. so i don't feel like going through anymore paper because im already up to my knees in it, i decided to right on my porch.. i used one of those nasal spray bottles and just soap and water, you can also fill it up with ink or whatever and use it like one of those krink ballpoints, but it doesnt write as smooth, you can still write on shit from like 5 feet away and behind corners though...idk why the fuck you'd want to do that, but you could.. its kind of like a mini extinguisher in that regard lol. this is a one liner btw. or nonstop..whatever you wanna call it. im too lazy to try to do each letter by itself haha.
  7. this is how i look at it, i practiced in increments. i could never live with rocking something ugly, if anything doing something ugly kills the "high" of painting..so i practiced until i had a tight hand, and then i went out and tagged shit up, then i worked on a throwy, and once i got that down i went and hit the block with it.. thats how it's supposed to be in my opinion.. you are right when you say it aint for the public, fuck what the public thinks.. because whether your shit is fly or fugly if someone catches you you are getting the same charge regardless, vandalism or malicious damage to property. its not about what other cats think, its about being satisfied with your own shit. if you think its ugly why put it out? if you don't like it you can rest assured no one else probably will. as long as you are happy with the product than thats all that matters. im not happy with a shitty throw or a shitty simple, so i practice that shit in a chill spot til it's nice, then i put it in niggas faces. wether you are bombing or piecing the objective shouldn't just be about getting up or about impressing any body, its about putting in work you are satisfied with, if you are really happy with your shit put it up, if you arent, take your ass to the tunnels and save yourself the embarassment. my 2 cents. not worth much but fuck it. sorry for clogging the thread.
  8. lol then whats the point of making ink? haha. *sarcasm. sorta.
  9. simple for renk exchange.
  10. im trying to get one done for ITS PAYBACK. but after that i'll hook you up.
  11. needs alot of work but i really like what you are trying to do with the H and particularly the A. the way you play with preportions and whatnot. keep working on it.
  12. i understand the frustration, but he'll get it eventually. everyone wants to do there own thing, its whatever. sooner or later he will see the light, but you can't hold his hand the whole way either. dude will figure it out in a while. how long have you been writing halo?
  13. honestly, no one ever taught me shit. i figured it out on my own.. all i did was spend alot of time in the yard and practice..i half assed practicing for the majority of my "writing career". really all you can tell someone is to keep practicing and let them find their way. and to check how other cats do it.. i knew a more experienced writer from SAtown back in highschool, only hung out for him for all of 3 months, and basically all he did was give me lots of encouragement and told me to sketch. that was it. the only thing he really ever taught me was how to do 3d and how to hold a can the right way lol. but other than that we just sat around, smoke, ate, popped pills and sketched. @halo...just sketch bro, your toy and will continue to be so for a good minute. using bars makes shit so much more easier. example of bars..makes building letters hella easy. you seem to just be drawing it freehand.
  14. i remember you from the GA forum from like from like 08 haha.
  15. gater.. did others but this is the one i liked the most, so i ripped it off.. do the kooter later,
  16. someone give me a name/ word to draw and i'll post it in here.. im bored.
  17. chill fool, you said he was a toy alts, it sounded like a veiled way of saying he's biting or copying or something along those lines, all im saying is that those letters are not necessarily that original to begin with. its just a style to build off of more than anything.
  18. gut rots style is an established style.. kind of like alot of funky styles have similar letter structure, him and alts have similar letter structure, but that doesnt necessarily equal the same style.. its little nuances that make the difference..i wouldn't be so quick to say he's biting or anything.
  19. who are you talking to? if its to gutrot i agree, dude doesnt need to be in the toy thread. IMO. his shit is pretty solid.
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