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Everything posted by RES4

  1. radar keep working on those hands. try to get each letter even and let them flow into each other. the first ones the best the last one goes sideways on the last two letters. theyre not bad, keep at it and the style will come dont try and force it
  2. rader- you see the wee kick back things on the r and d? dont do it. thats the only bad thing i can find. keep at it this one im talkin about
  3. sure and faust. some of the best hands ever rip wonder how many people thought this was a part of the atm. pretty amazing
  4. bite a wee bit. if you can take a small part from another piece and develop it or build the rest of the piece around it its fine. i do it from time to time and im not ashamed to admit it
  5. wow, someones from the suburbs. youll be surprised to know that shit like this happens all over the place so dont be wishing that you had to go through this cause alot of people would kill to be in your shoes
  6. i respect the fact that youve been doing this shit longer than anyone else here but you need to keep moving on and pushing the boundaries. if everyone had that mentality would graff ever have got to the level its at today?
  7. anybody clicked the fucknfilthy link recently?
  8. everybody whos parents dont buy them paint cares about the price.
  9. there should be two planes. one for people who actually want to arrive at their destination in one piece and they other one for people who dont want anybody to touch their balls found this: If you listen to the media they will have you believe that everyone who has flown anywhere is damn near being striped searched in a dark dank room with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling in front of an audience. The truth of the matter is very few people have to go through the pat down process, we cannot have it both ways either we want to be safe or we do not. I am not saying the procedure should not be refined but frankly in order to get from point A to point B alive and safe it is a price we as Americans are just going to have to pay.
  10. but what would you prefer? someone grabbing your nuts or possibly another 9/11 or worse? over here during the troubles you would have gotten checked going into pretty much every shop in belfast. getting patted down before you go on a plane is nothing compared to what it will be if theres another major terrorist attack. you americans should stop whining and count yourselves lucky that you only getting your balls touched
  11. do people get chosen at random for this or does it happen to everybody? i dont really see what the problem is though, if you went through the machine or got a pat down it would take like two minutes or so but if it stops a terrorist attack it would be worth it would it not? especially when it could be a member of your family killed just because you didnt want somebody to touch your balls
  12. the worst part was getting onto each section when the ladder runs out
  13. i doubt many terrorists would carry a bomb in their underwear if they dont want to get caught. they would stick it up their ass or something instead next theyll have us bending over for them
  14. completely forgot mate sorry. i have half an outline drawn out ill get it finished soon
  15. gotem- work off the "lookin" letters zombies go simple cro try making all letters the same size rewt looks good the stuff two posts above just isnt workin. first one has potential but work on the individual letters before you try that
  16. i got a £300 36 inch lcd and its fine. no need to spend thousands
  17. /] jm the simples on the first pic are good
  18. recneps- the lab part is really good pos- thats pretty crap, the bottom parts should probably overlap about the same amount each time
  19. do something different. simple doesnt mean block letters try something without copying a font and dont listen to everyone on here.
  20. yous guys are reading way too far into all this symbolism and shit
  21. good shit. pm me so i remember who i owe them for
  22. thanks man. you wanna exchange? im off the next couple days and got a shitload of free time on my hands and im up for any other exchanges to so get at me oh and should this to have two o's?
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