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Everything posted by Mushu

  1. too much fun being had in this thread, maaaaaaaaaaaaaan. lighten up o-chaps. was beautiful out. is beautiful out. new summer resolution: no more old man naggems ramblin' blabbling in the corner.. pocket... hot pocket.
  2. damn yo that article is a good read. got a norman mailer up in this beach. amazing photos too. man, i love boston.
  3. Alright fuck it I'm flying out there fuck me! Cannot wait.
  4. yerp. probably gonna have to wait till it gets to brooklyn for me to see it.
  5. odesy dayz rjone plute xsm
  6. 16 dollar cash prize!!
  7. Fresh prints baby!! 10 of each color only. 9x12". Shipped with two stickers. Signed on the back... $25! BUY HERE
  8. Never drank a full cup of coffee in my entire life until now. Drank two cups of coffee to do finals. Finished it. Went painting. Mission accomplished. Now I can't sleep.
  9. Read both of these recently for the second time. Siddhartha not as good as the first time, Costello still good, still unsettling. Going to read:
  10. Mushu

    Prop 8 Overturned

    The logic that makes nihilism not condone slavery and everything unpleasant in the world is that slavery and everything unpleasant is just as unnecessary as everything pleasant. So no, I'm not going to enslave, rape and kill my neighbors because that would be unnecessary. Life is just as unnecessary as death. Everything is unnecessary, but everything will still occur. What keeps me going at life is the belief that I can lessen the pain and suffering in the world. I really don't give a shit about my own well-being, but don't really need to worry about myself because of many privileges. If I was less fortunate I would probably be Christian fundamentalist conservative or conspiracy theorist; generally a believer of fairy tales because thats what would get me through my day to day; "FUCK YEAH MY LIFE IS MEANINGFUL". (Which is what I was actually like when I was younger.) So much of peoples ideologies come from their complexes. I think that most people don't overview the entire field of possible ways to think about something. At whatever beginning, our beliefs are formulated illogically, then we logically attempt, even successfully, to make sense of them. Beliefs are based on a mix between the ebb of history and personal history along with the human psych. Sorry for the unnecessary text. Animals are still fucked. Carry on.
  11. Mushu

    Prop 8 Overturned

    Rights, religion, marriage: all living fairy tales that people make up, that are also not necessarily bad, but could come with a warning label that reads: "made-up." I pretty much agree with Christo-F, and it looks like he said the exact same thing.* I used to think that there was difference between rights and privileges, but not so much anymore. Rights and privileges are the same, handed out by those in power of a certain group. The right to food, to water, to happiness and whatnot probably comes from our humane needs, which are not hurtful rights at all, but are still made-up. Also, what I see as the paramount argument against using animals for food and things are not because they have "rights" or because life is "sacred." It's because pain, which is not a fairy tale, is not a pleasant experience and unpleasant experiences could be avoided. The animal rights argument is what completely abolished the natural rights argument for me. The greatest thing about fairy tales are that they can change. If gays want to join the pile of bullshit, why not. *................ I just read page 7 and uh.. well, the animals will stay fucked for a long time if that page represented the world.
  12. Mushu

    Ground Zero Mosque

    Ron Paul is fucking flawless lol. Does this guy do anything wrong?
  13. Mushu

    Prop 8 Overturned

    I don't think that liberals actually want the total absence of guns. Most efforts have been made to increase security, generally to not allow teenagers to order them over the internet and rampage their highschool the day after. I think that it is pretty absurd to believe that marriage, a statistically unsuccessful social-construction, must remain the same forever. Sanctity is an invention, one made up by a mass to serve their insecurity. Oh the fucking horror of meaninglessness. Some "moralists" base what should be avoided in life (not what is right or wrong) on pain and suffering. Pain and suffering we could do without. Homosexuals their marriages, and even their families (whether dysfunctional or functional, like heterosexual families) are not injustices.
  14. Mushu

    Prop 8 Overturned

    As long as it's consensual.
  15. Re: WHEN ALAN MOORE SAID THE WATCHMEN WAS UNFILMABLE HE WAS FUCKING RIGHT That song TheoHuxtable posted goes great in a movie reenactment of Jackson after he watched the bit of Watchmen. I imagine a spinning shot (like in Bad Boys when WS and ML get out of the car with "OH HELL NO" facial expressions) of his face turn red as the song cues........
  16. what the fucking a that shit is good
  17. it's all about Kristin Holt from x-play and cheat. wdup.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9tIoJBhp18&feature=topvideos Because Danny Trejo will become a cult icon and all of Mexico will pray to him and take over America and we will lose our civil liberties and that is why the new world order is evil and Robert Rodriguez totally cast Carla Gugino in Sin City just to see her naked?
  19. Some fleeting thoughts before bedtime that you don't have to read: Nietzsche was right in his Parable of the Madman, the second industrial revolution replaced God, or more so, brought along the idea that God was replaceable and at the same time questioning why God was imagined in the first place. (I wrote this before you, NSMB, but just took a while to post.) Religion condones a whole lot of great things, like family values, the general pursuit of being a nice person but was also historically used to justify slavery, discrimination to both blacks, women, and gays. In both good or bad uses of religion, its believers held value to it. They pray for themselves for food on their table, not for others. Of course, once in a while some graduates from Harvard Divinity School will fly to Darfur and help those there as much as possible, buying kids with pocket money from a-holes. Or Christian Children's fund... so, not just once in a while then... damn you! I will go on a limb here and talk about animal rights. I'm not sure how any Christian can believe that "dominion over... every living thing that moves on the earth." means being a steward for the animals and the environment when I'm guessing more than 90% of Christians disagree or never recognized this interpretation. Genesis 1:28 was also the justification for slavery, no? Being a vegetarian, the complacency among the religious upset me, but that goes for everyone else too anyways. What about the idea of giving birth knowing that there is already a child out there that needs help. Why did the poor give birth back then, when their children would live a lifetime of fail. Couldn't the nuclear family be revolutionized?, let more than two parents, who need not be in some polygamous relationship, raise a child? The religious have too many babies. Osama has like 26 children? Christians usually have 3 kids? I just searched "sponsor a family" on google, which came up with cool results. Something I'll plan on doing no doubt. Fuck yeah! I'm gonna save up a lot of money and go Will Smith from Seven Pounds and donate a shit load of money to some stand out family. Macabre T. Strongbody wrote two page back, "most everything separated by 6 degrees. Saying there is no god is the same as saying there is a god." Nietzsche said it better, but I'll prop you anyways. NSMB, I don't believe in heaven because only humans get to go. What about my cat? I'd also like to be up there with the 10 billion farm animals killed a year. Or all the fishies the shit-heel sharks eat. I'd have diary products up there. Also, I thought you were religious? From that post it seems like you aren't, like an atheist who is understanding of those who are? Nietzsche on the paradigm shift, "Lightning and thunder require time; the light of the stars requires time; deeds, though done, still require time to be seen and heard. This deed is still more distant from them than most distant stars---and yet they have done it themselves."
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