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Everything posted by Mushu

  1. too much fun being had in this thread, maaaaaaaaaaaaaan. lighten up o-chaps. was beautiful out. is beautiful out. new summer resolution: no more old man naggems ramblin' blabbling in the corner.. pocket... hot pocket.
  2. damn yo that article is a good read. got a norman mailer up in this beach. amazing photos too. man, i love boston.
  3. odesy dayz rjone plute xsm
  4. 16 dollar cash prize!!
  5. Fresh prints baby!! 10 of each color only. 9x12". Shipped with two stickers. Signed on the back... $25! BUY HERE
  6. Never drank a full cup of coffee in my entire life until now. Drank two cups of coffee to do finals. Finished it. Went painting. Mission accomplished. Now I can't sleep.
  7. Read both of these recently for the second time. Siddhartha not as good as the first time, Costello still good, still unsettling. Going to read:
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