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Everything posted by Vapid

  1. im about to buy like 10 cases this is an offer i cant pass up
  2. i keep my paint guns and meth in narnia.
  3. lol im going to the freight yard tomorrow for my first time ill be sure to bring a friend after that
  4. I carry the gloves with out the finger tips and just put them over my latex gloves once i get to the spot. it works and you have the same control and grip with warm hands
  5. Vapid


    Painted a wall in my room and it smelled amazing for days.
  6. posted this in the marker thread and made a thread.... good job
  7. Vapid


    i have a dell mini and its sweet
  8. Vapid


    I actually like the smell of ironlak. Its good paint in my opinion.
  9. Yeah i dont like painting alone but i dont like painting with too many people. 2 other people max
  10. imagine if these kids didnt get caught and they hit high school or some shit.
  11. Do you like riding my nuts? discuss
  12. pretty much the title. do you actually like painting alone? i hate it unless its a somewhat chill spot. but bombing, i hate. i get paranoid and slip up. discuss?
  13. do you have to be from europe to enter a photo.
  14. Id help with it sounds kinda interesting. But im still going to keep crushing the streets dont get me wrong man.
  15. Vapid


    Well i hit some roof spots with ironlak and i see them daily. They receive direct sunlight most of the day and have been up for a few months and they havent faded at all. I like the paint and its cheap i cant rack paint since its always locked up. so ironlak gets the fucking job done and it smells good too.
  16. Summer Sunset Throw ups Roof Spots Walls
  17. drink everything then wait til you shit it out and put it back in your kiwi mop that will stain harder than mustard on a brand new white tee son!
  18. drink everything then wait til you shit it out and put it back in your kiwi mop that will stain harder than mustard on a brand new white tee son!
  19. have multiple escape plans if you look sketchy with a book bag put a few cans in a plastic bag
  20. go out really late most people are sleep
  21. if the girl likes you enough she should be able to understand. and plus i go out to bomb at like 3 am wtf could me and a girl be doing at 3-4am besides fucking and that could be done during the day.
  22. i have to agree with ephect here. ive used them with some pen ink and it actually came out pretty good
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