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Everything posted by Vapid

  1. anyone wanna share the like metal etch. i know its not actual etch apparently its a toilet cleaner ive read. But anything in specific? It leaves like a brown rusty looking tag. if anyone knows id appreciate it if you told me
  2. Re: THESE Marker superthread would have been good...
  3. yeah stealth ink is pretty hard to buff. i have a tags that have survived multiple buffs. gotta shake it up tho
  4. I dont understand how people seriously go bombing with "graffiti" paint. I use Store brand and rusto all day. shit ill even use krylon
  5. Mix oink and witches brew. it comes out legit. and get like 2 or 3 bingo daubers n make mops
  6. Lol i love how toys run around thinking they are the shitt
  7. ive seen 2 threads from you already that already have super threads....
  8. Ive seen that nigga drag puttin up stickers over throw ups... Like seriously leave them stickers alone
  9. I finger paint with etch man fuck mops. Most etch tags you see arent with a mop but with the persons fingers.
  10. this is old and you are dumb if you dont know what a fire extinguisher is for.
  11. i like mo hair because ive had a few woven nibs rip right off the mop mid tag and i was pissed as fuck.
  12. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! Does this calm the dog down because my dog refuses to let me file down her nails and they are getting a bit long but she goes crazy when i turn on the pet pedi. if not im just going to give it a contact high and try
  13. cant tell if thats sarcasm or not
  14. yeah it think it is outline first because its a window so its clear meaning if you do the fill first then the outline you would only be able to see it from the inside due to the way it would layer. So im guessing you would have to do the outline first then add any highlights / details that would be in the fill like dots stars lines ect then do the fill. no matter what your fill would have to be last. But ive never tried it i just used a little mind power. Oh yea and im sure if you are doing a simple straight letter like in that first pic it youldnt really matter which one you did first but in the second and last pics it should be how i said.
  15. Never used it honestly. Views on oink ink? only shit worth buying to me.
  16. one shot paint thinned out bro fuck grog and shit. I dont understand why people buy mop paints and shit when its so easy to make since theres really no hard staining paint.. inks on the other hand is a diff. story
  17. No it was like SMAER or something
  18. Shes about to fire the lasers Chillin out Acting silly and shit This is how she was laying down in the dark for about 20 mins (picture taken in the dark too)
  19. This is zoey. Adopted her and she is the best dog ever. She gets scared of virtually anything. She nearly jumped out her skin when a plastic bag blew past her. But anyway according to the vet she is most likely a labrakita (labrador retriever akita mix) Ill try to get more pics of her playing and shit
  20. Yo botch kid give up on life its not workin for you
  21. I have my Molotovs ready just let me know when
  22. Have fun. Don't stay out past your curfew now!
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