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Everything posted by bobbydigital

  1. ^:D lots of big hits this week. the skins looked good the giants looked comical :( lets go raiders
  2. 8-6 right now.. the ranking system would be good. im curious to see what the tally of wins/losses is gonna be at the end of the year
  4. bobbydigital


    those are pretty badass.. i think i may scrap the iphone wallet idea bc if i then loose my wallet i'll loose my phone too :(
  5. bobbydigital


    just recently lost my wallet and am looking for a iphone wallet/case; something like this.. http://www.ottocase.com/products/Myra.html ya'll know of anything similar, before i go shopping?
  6. Re: Name my new dog :unrelated: a friends grandma had a cat named spook and when it was nighttime she would stand from here porch and yell 'hey spook come home':lol:
  7. idk about all that but last year was first time the devils missed the playoffs in 13 years and only twice in 20.. we do have a another new coach and i have high hopes for this year even though its not gonna be too hard to be better than the previous season. also im not disputing Brodeur's homosexual ways but he did sleep with his wifes sister after the won the stanley cup.. 1994.. just saying
  8. Re: Name my new dog i like nacho and doughnuts.. blankets holds some weight. lil'breezy
  9. so if he just starts to suck and becomes the number 2 qb which i doubt will happen but hes gonna be paid $40 mil? unless he gets arrested or does something stupid, right? but then after playing for all 6 years isnt he going to have accumulated 100 million in pay checks? sorry just trying to understand the caps n balances.. eitherway it still seems like a nice payday
  10. maybe he was referring to the 19 miliion he owes creditors from when he filed for bankruptcy..
  11. :lol: yeah right alotta other teams are better than those guys
  12. 5 guests that are tired of being fat.. with soreness i think it has to do with stretching before and after your workout. when i played soccer we used to have cool down excersises and the end of each session that prevented tightness. there was one excersice that involved shaking the muscles in your legs while laying on your back. i think it was to get the acids out of muscles, i could be wrong i could be right. idk
  13. no matter what this year is gonna be better than last!:D i dont really know what to expect from the new coach but im hoping he can get along with Parise n Kovalchuk. Unfortunately before this year even starts we are already at a loss with Zajac being out for the first month or two of the season with an achilles injury..
  14. giants jets game was boring and mike vick signed a 6 yr contract with eagles for $100 mil:eek:
  15. acid .. check mushrooms.. check tumblerweedz.. check whiskey.. check beers.. check water.. check chips n salsa.. check now its a party..
  16. i cant believe its not friday.
  17. bombing science was alright but a few orders have been fucked. oink holds it down. i've definitely gotten extra caps with a majority of my orders. troutartsupply is a good spot too
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dddkwSuPQDs
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