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Banana fishd

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Everything posted by Banana fishd

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Tio Marco, Congrats sir! Being an uncle is some awesome business. I remember my aunties and uncle being pretty cool beans to be around. Its like being a grandpa but younger. Cuz you can babysit and take them cool places but then you get the luxury of sending them home. :] B. fish
  2. *edit Illstate: Caring about how you look gets annoying from time to time. If I wasnt so vain/ woke up earlier I'd have a lot more time to do better things like ride my bike, go to my moms and have breakfast with my grandpa, or read.
  3. ^ I use to work graveyard last year. It is the lame butts. I remember always feeling like I never got enough sleep, eyes burning, coffee crashes, and if I tried to stay awake till one or so I'd get dizzy and delirious. I also remember missing sunlight in the winter. My condolences christeezy.
  4. Work- I usually work at two. More times than not I wake up an hour or two before I have to get to work. Hop in shower, turn on flat Iron, put on moisturizer, pick out clothes, perfume or body oil, head back to bathroom and put on sunscreen/primer face stuffs, do eye makeup, straighten hair, brush teeth, put on foundation then blush, decide I don’t like what I am wearing and change, go back to mirror and do the same thing over again until I either run out of time or decide it’s not worth compromising my morning cigarette. Get coffee. Smoke cigarette while listening to Ipod. Sometimes (or rarely) I have enough time to sit on the couch and watch Numbers/Judge Karen/Las Vegas. I don’t really like either of those shows but do enjoy sitting. If there isn’t any time after Ipod-cigarette affair I drive straight to work smoking another cigarette. If I work earlier/wake up late usually everything is rushed and I do the above routine half assed or not at all. Smoke my cigarette in the car. Get to work and get a shift exchange then make breakfast/ cup of coffee and head to the back of the site for private ciggy time.
  5. ^^This drive is really nice. If you get a chance you should take it. Yosemite I hear has even bigger redwood trees. I think theyre closed for the winter though. Also Carmel Ca has a nice beach. But thats pretty much it. Everything else about it is expensive and boring...oh and point lobos. Thats a nice place too.
  6. :lol: (this whole page) Pistol, you ever have one of those moments in your childhood where all you had in your house to eat was tortillas? And you just kinda had to get creative and figure out what you could mix together with a tortilla that would be somewhat eatable. I use to heat them up and slather honey and peanut butter together then roll that mess up like a burrito.
  7. I think Steinbeck is from Salinas? I really like the weather there. It's always perfectly overcast. Its kind of a weird town though. Like nice suburbia mixed with farm stuff and then gangs. I should read that book and see if it has always been so diverse. Dipndots are a nostalgic thing. I use to get them when I was a kid when I would go to theme parks with my family, they're pretty cheap people so you'd always have to share this tiny lil' cup of dipndots with your sibling and two cousins. They tasted a lot better back then. Moose tracks were kinda disappointing.
  8. My sister climbed trees. Went to the beach. Nerd. Sat around. I ate it. My sister went on an “adventure”. Boots were a bad Idea. He smashed rocks. I guess he felt pretty bad about my sister harping on him…so he bought my gas for me
  9. Moose tracks. Left that place because it was lame and expensive. Fed the beast. Italian hair... I dropped my lens cap. So my sister went to retrieve it for me. Shenannygins. B: Here (Picks up worlds greatest grandpa) A: Oh yeah. Heres one for you. B: Awww. A: Or how bout this one. (Superstar) B: Don’t be a jerk. I like this place. A: Can you buy me this carmel corn. B: Oh- C: No. Geeze ____dont be such a mooch. She’s already paid for a buncha shit already. You’re the boyfriend you buy stuff for her. Not the other way around. A: Ok. It takes one to know one. My sister tells me I am a pushover. She’s right. It's embarrassing to admit it...but my sister sticks up for me. I bought it. He got money after that. Got clam chowder. So dealio. Sat down to eat chowder: A: Keep this it’s not every day you find an acorn with a smiley on it. A: Oh and look its head got exploded.
  10. His grandma comes down every year to buy him sweaters or coats. I think thats what grandmas do or it's because she knows if she doesnt refresh his wardrobe everyonce in awhile he will never buy new clothes for himself. I am pretty sure she bought him that one. Not saying you have old lady taste just ...that's the only thing I think of when I see him wearing it. sorry I am hoggin this thread as of late I am just really bored at work. Last saturday. Spent the night at my sisters. Waited for her to get ready so we can go to monterey. Egg head. B: MMMMMMOOOOM make me an egg. A: No. Make your own damn egg. Aint nobody here working for you. And you better go make that bed in the Guest room. Nobody works for you lady. B: Yes sir. A: What did you say?! Had smoke with my mom: B: Rings are too expensive. I don’t want to pay for all that. Too much money. A: Your grandpa bought me a ring for thirty dollars. That was..hm.. damn near 50 years ago. Maybe its worth some money now. I thought I’d give it to Linda when she got married…but that don’t look like its gonna happen…I guess I can give it to you. B: Whats it look like. A: Simple ring. For simple people. I’ll show it to you. She couldn’t open it. So my grandpa helped her. My great grandmother’s wedding band. Famous thirty dollar band A: You remember this band? (pause) C: Yeah. A: No you don’t. You don’t remember nothing. C: It was the wedding band I bought you by delvoso road for thirty dollars. A: This is your great great grandmother’s pride ring. It has thirteen stones in it! B: Wow. She got busy. A: Yeah. Real busy. Pick up dude, put stuff in the back car so my sister can sit comfortably. Headed to Salinas. Stop so she can eat and smoke a cigarette. Wonderful town of Salinas. Stopped by dudes parents house. They argued about directions. She printed them for him. Arrive in Monterey. Get coffee. Walk around. Some guy gave me these so I would donate money to the battered mother’s Program. We were going to go to the aquarium but it was like 40$ a piece. I am cheap. So we didn’t go.
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear saturday- I am bored. -b. FISH
  12. I like this. Thanks for sharing it. These are mine. Aunt. She has a thing with wolves, lions, and Niagara falls. It's all she paints. other aunt and Ma. My great aunt, grand mother, grandpa. They had a party for my dad when he came back from the military. Something happened where he got delayed so he came home day after the party. It didnt keep the old farts from having a good time. My father.
  13. I wanted to make them from scratch. My sister told me that was too much work so we settled for the premade dough. : [ Ended up going to dudes house to make them. A: You sure you don’t want some of this hoagie. B: Yes. A: Here. Just try it ok. B: Fine. (takes a lil bite) A: See its not that bad. B: Yeah its alright. My sister likes to narrate her life through singing. A: (sing song) I am making cookies. YYYYYEAH. Making cookies. A: Roll em up. Make a ball. Yeah I am having a Ball making cookies. A: Roll roll roll then smmmmmmmaaaa-SIKE-you place it down nicely Headed out back to smoke ciggys, read Winnie the pooh, and drink oj. A: I think I am going back home B: Ok. You sure. A: Yeah I need to face the music. B: (whew) A: Can I take this book. B: um yeah sure. No more bed hog. Took my sister to her house and bought shampoo And this. Unfortunately I am not perfect. I need help in the looks department. This product from Burts is really a gift from god. Works almost instantly and doesn’t Dry out your skin. Watched t.v with my cousin.
  14. Suki I can tell your dogs apart now by which one sticks out their tongue. Came home from Martinez and my sister was at the house. My Ma kicked her out. I've kinda become numb to the whole siblings loosing their housing. I still ask them what happened though. Kinda had to force my sister to tell me her problems. She gave in. Then smoked all my cigarettes and hogged up my bed. Met up with dude to go to churchins. Him and his roommate were watching the Fyodor fight. Got coffee. Pick up my sister at her friends house Take them to coffee Wake up and have a cigarette with my auntie. Dog we’re babysitting ran out of the yard. So he got in trouble. Had lunch with my auntie and uncle: D: So what are you going to do if you get laid off. B: Oh I dont know. I'am gonna go back to school next semester. D: YOU? B: Yeah. D: (scoffs) What are you going to study? B: I was thinking english. Ya know to be a teacher. D: PSH. You can’t even speak english how are you going to teach it? B: I can speak english. D: If you clean something a day ago what did you do? B: um...I dont get the question. D: (scoffs) Linda what is it? C: Oh you clant it. D:See. And those big trucks what are those called. C: Sea-mys. D: It's semi. B: I always thought it was Sea-mys too. D: See. None of you speak English right. C: My boss gets really mad at me for not speaking right. I guess it's his pet peeve. I says to him 'Walt. I been with my husband 22 years now. He been buggin me for all them damn years about the way I talk and I aint changed a bit. I known you for a year so you got some time to catch up on bitching for nothing to change', Pick up my sister from her weird continuation school: C: So how long you got before you graduate? A: Oh I dont know. I gotta get like three credits a week...but if I can do seven a week I'll graduate this year. C: I think you can do it. A: No way man thats way too much work. I just want to make three credits a week and graduate then. C: Hm. I didnt even know I graduated. B: Why? C: Oh they told me I wasnt gunna graduate two days before. So I just stayed at the bars. On my graduation I was playing pool-had a good game going to- and tia came through the door, I didnt know what the hell was going on, all my friends had scattered, and tia grabbed me by the hair and threw me in her car 'What the hell are you doing' she says 'I been looking for your sorry ass all day' and SMACK I says to her I am not graduating leave me alone I am not going you cant make me blah blah. She made me. I was high off my ass and drunk. B: How'd that go. C: Oh I fell a coupla times. But. I graduated. Surprised the hell outta me. Took my aunt to UPS Went to the thrift store. Want one that fits good. Bought this Headed to grocery store with my sister so we can get stuff to make cookies. I bought it. I am a sucker for those stories. A: Give me that hoagie. B: You cant just wait till we get to the house? A: NOOO. I gotta eat it now. I haven’t eaten all day. B: Liar. A: This hoagie is delicious. Try some. B: No thanks.
  15. SM your niece is really brave. Best of luck to you and your fam bam.
  16. The seth "I have a job" one liner made me lol
  17. I really want to learn how to play backgammon. I've only met one person who knows how to play. It seems like a game of gentleman.
  18. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear sey sey, I tried deep breathes and being distracted... and then I forgot to breathe. But overall (excluding making an ass out of myself) I think it went over very nicely. Thank you for your advice. -B. fish
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear later today and conversation, I am nervous and being a scared-y cat. If I say something stupid just let it pass through your head like I dont exist. I would appreciate that. 9 weeks to go. deep breaths- Ball and chain fish.
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