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Banana fishd

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Everything posted by Banana fishd

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Get that get that... :)
  2. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Boris, Can a thug can get buzzed whas up Try to slang on my corner nigga yous a gonner St. Clair nigga don't like that and sellin them dummies Makin that money come back nigga get pap pap From tha first to tha 15th niggas smoke plenty weed But I gotta save gotta come up Put my rocks in cut When I get high gotta blaze that blunt up (huh) Gotta roll to tha pad count up my Profits add it to tha stack Sincerely- B. fish Ps. You melt.
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear weds and thurs, I am turning my phone off and napping. - b. fish
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear peach dip, You are delio. But unlady like. my second and last hello- B. fish
  5. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear apartments, Why are all of you hating on the pups? I need one o you to allow my bundle of cute to live with me. Make it happen- B. fish
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear today, I hate you. Please be tomorrow soon. okay thanks. B. fish Dear suki. I didnt even know he was going to sf! :( Let me know when you make it through sacramento. We can try to go to that noodle rest!!! See you soon :) <3 Banana
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear gold fishes, So delicious. The perfect little snack. <3 Banana
  8. Mhm I agree. Did you get that new camera you bought to start working seysey?
  9. Mayor I love your photographs. The colors, and subjects expressions...etc. I have the same problem as losing when it comes to street photography. I would very much like to be able to capture people I don’t know like that but always get self conscious in snapping. Sometimes so much that I shy away from objects lest I offend someone by giving them the impression that I am photographing them. I'd prop you on your social skills enabling you to take greath photos and your skill but I am 24'd.
  10. Re: I wanna see your...........PETS! That lizzard is all kinds of amazing. I have always wanted one. Repeat. Suki you should train shumai to find lost babies. I bet she'd be good at that ; )
  11. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Cali-G, That's good to know. If you or Iou try it you should let me know how it is. : ) I love frozen yogurt. Mochiis over here is pretty good.Have you been? Your right about the hamburger pattys thing. That is what its called now....I wish it were hamburger marys still. *sigh. And I wish the food was as good as it use to be. Living in the past- B. fish
  12. Is shumai really a service dog?!?! I wouldnt put it past this dog...
  13. My side. Home. A: "Welcome back Banana." B: "I am happy. San Francisco’s nice and all but you can’t do this over there (reaches out arm and moves it around). Too many people there." A: "That's true. It's good to be back." I use to hate this town. I think my anxiety helps in it growing on me. We fully utilized the RT system for this trip. Later on. I met up with my sister and she played me songs. We went for coffee. She was arguing with my bf about the severity of the swine flu. She was also afraid that he had it and kept covering her face each time he coughed.
  14. late late. Returning home. I woke up here lost and confused. Not because of alcohol or anything. Only because it was such a ridiculous room. I wanted to come up with something witty to say about this room to my cousin but I could not. The pink and excessive amounts of Hello kitty stuffed animals was too much. Morning cigarette. Leaving. We ate at this grimey bar/restaurant. Me and Mike got a BLT. You cant mess up a BLT that bad. Bart. I brought old granola from sac with me to feed some birds. I finally found some that would eat it. Waiting. Waiting. I gave up on the boots. ; ) A: "You think the three spikes are kind of unnecessary? Wouldn't one do the trick?" B: "Maybe they just want to make sure..." A: "I knew this kid in HS who hopped a fence and got his leg torn up from something like that. He went to first period like it was nothing. Just asked for a band aid. His meat was hanging out of his leg. The teacher told him he needed more than a band aid and told him to go to the nurse. I asked him if it hurt and he said nah he was just mad that he got blood on his jordans." C: "Did anyone ask him why he was hopping a fence in the first place?" A: "No. No one asked him that. I guess we didn’t think that was important." Amtrack. I took this from Ink. We all ended up napping.
  15. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear hamburger marys, I remember when you were delicious. Now I have stomach ache from your not delicious-ness. I blame the new owner. Or maybe I am just not a fan of hamburgers anymore. Internal gurgles and mumbles- B. gripe fish. Dear IOU, It is cleared sir and sent pm. Sorry to hear about the discrepancies with your return home. Maybe frozen yogurt will make you feel better? That usually does the trick for me. Hopefully your city has a good establishment for that sorta thing OR you can just move to SF ;) Best- B. fish
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dearest IOU! Of course. I'll send them to you later on when I get to work tonight (this computer too slow). I still have some more left from the bar and game. I think I took close to a thousand flicks that day. haha. Did you get back home ok? best- B. fish oh ps. Just to be clear. Black faces right? I should be finished doing that today...
  17. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear weather, I wanted to wear a dress today. It is a very nice dress and it leans me. You ruined my plans with your rain. Another day- B. fish Dear caddy de'ville. 86? 500? 1000 miles a year. 3-2 months longer than my queen honda? I was never any good at numbers. Baffled- Banana
  18. :lol: Sorry count. It was a very nice spot though.
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear sooks, I forgot that that is what you guys were gonna do. I would love to catch a game! I have actually never been to one. Are tickets still available? /Crosses fingers. I'll call you tomorrow. <3 B. teeny fish Dear cali-gone-gula, ARF. I already asked for mon off. :( Are you coming during day time? Cuz I might stay the night and head back to sac tues night...in any case if I dont see you I hope you enjoy your day off buddy. You deserve a good one. fellow ambassador- B. fish
  20. coffee I love Dutch Brothers! They put tons of sugary crappy goodness in their concoctions. Sometimes that is not always good for coffee. But to me Dutch bros wears it well. I wish we had one here...
  21. I usually just print them out and throw them in my purse. What happens to them after that I loosely know. You are right though. I should keep them saved somewhere just in case the future brings about someone that may be interested. ;) Thank you for the compliment zeebs. Pet I enjoy your photos and am stoked you are contributing to this thread. Keep them a coming sir...(por favor).
  22. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear sooks Illa, The other day me and thee boyfriend went to amador county and went wine tasting. I bought a bottle from this man named manilla...I think that was his name. It is delio. I hope you have fancy glasses ; ). <3 B. fish
  23. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear needs a break, come to the city monday with me and visit sooks! sincere- B. fish
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