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Banana fishd

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Everything posted by Banana fishd

  1. B: “Alex. What does Sacra mean?” A: “Hm. I dunno. My dad has this tattoo and so does Mike. So I got it too.” B: “Was he born here?” C: “Yeah…wait…No he wasn’t. He was born in Texas. I don’t know why he got that tattoo. You’d have to ask him that.” B: “If I meet him I will.” I am a very intrusive person. My cousin and Mike where best buds in middle school and high school. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside that they are still friends now. Since Mike is straight and Jess is a total gay. When my cousin first came out Mike, was not comfortable being his friend. Some time passed and my cousin stopped being such a Judy and Mike (me thinks) accepted the differences…I am glad. Sand stuff: B: “I am jealous of you guys.” A: “Why?” B: “Your all nicely brown and I am all ghostly pale. I want to be brown.” A: “Why don’t you tan?” B: “It doesn’t work. I just burn. Then it peels away and I am pale again.” A: “Hm. Wonder why Jess is tan and you’re not.” B: “I don’t know. We are practically mixed with the same thing. Genetics gave me the short end of the stick!” A: “It does that I hear. Look at me.” B: “No. You do not have anything to complain about. Your brown.” Other stuff I thought was funny. The rope swing was too short. We kept trying to figure out ways how to use it… Finally we gave up and Mike decided to jump off this tree. It took my cousin the longest time to jump off. Probably a good 20 mins. I don’t have any pictures of him actually doing so. I think I got bored waiting. I thought it was cute that he stood by like that watching over his brother Alex. That kid didn’t take no hour to jump. Awkward. Then we went home and I slept till midnight and was almost late to work. The woes and pros of night shifting.
  2. Mush. A: " I love you Banana " B: “Why?” A: “Because.” B: “Because why?” Yeah I am one of those types of people. I understand that it’s very annoying. But I need things explained to me in depth. I want to know the why, who, where, what and when. I think that it annoys my client’s as well as my Bf. Like…’Oh you have racing thoughts? Please explain this to me? What is it you think? How do you feel when this is happening to you? What images are in your head? What usually are you doing when this happens to you?’ I ask crap like that and some. Because I am too stupid to fill in the blanks myself. Went to my Ma's house so my brother and boyfriend can go get their learnting YHWH on together. I was really tired so I opted to be taken home. My grandpa was making me jealous. Also that tattoo my grandfather has says born to loose. It was something him and all his buddies got when they were young. They use to call themselves the brother hood of the ring. I find that hilarious so I make fun of him and say he was in a gang. He is adamant in stating that he was not. While I was in slumber land dudeface was handling my family. I appreciated it very much. He filled me in on what was the going ons and I am pretty happy with his accomplishments. So I gave him a lil hat in this picture. He told me for 6 months I am not allowed to ask him any questions about why. I agreed. Dude had a rough day. *fart noise. Walk to bus stop after work. This is the park near my job. I have had many a weird conversation with clients here at odd times of the night. This one man in particular was going to fight with another client. I took him on a walk and he spent a good 10 mins on the phone complaining to his mother that "they" (my company) told him to take a walk and expected him to listen to a young twenty something about life and anger management. His mother told him that thee young people...some of them are good. They have something to say. She seemed like a nice lady. These are the state workers. I swear our tax dollars go to keeping these people in somewhat fair shape. You can find these people walking at all hours 8-5. I'd be lying if I said I was not interested in a state job. I like walking. The bus costs 2.25 now. I feel old and grumbles saying this...but I remember when that mess was 75 cents. I can buy at least two hello panda's for the cost of bus fare these days and be just fine walking in the 5 inches of snow with cardboard in the soles of my shoes. Yessir. I would have 25 cents left over too. My cousin mowed the grass. I was supposed to be helping. We walked there. It was a fairly short walk. This lizard was not harmed. But this lizard I hope it is ok. I hear the tails grow back so all should be well.
  3. My days are a lil late. I have been kind of busy- Sunday on ward. (my days are all mixed up and combobaliated...as well) My car is broken. So this guy drives me places. I usually try to make this necessary as least times as possible and take the bus...but my coworker spilled coffee all over me and I couldnt hang with sticky tight jeans all day. Saw this guy on the way to churchins. A: "Let me have a drink?" B: (Hands odwalla to thirsty man) A: " Ew. Why does this taste funny?" A: "Ohhh. It's a smothie. Gross. I was gonna say why is odwalla never refreshing. It's never something you want to drink to quench your soul. I always thought it was a default thing on their part. But now I see. They do this on purpouse." B: "Their lemonade is pretty tasty." A: "Is it thick and disgusting like this." B: "No. Want me to go get you one?" A: "Nah. This stuff is too expensive. You could get me 4 lemons and squeeze it yourself for way cheaper." My boyfriend is a big cheapo. He still wears (or trys to) jeans he bought when he was 18. He is in his mid 20's now. After church we decided to get some mochii at Ottos. I love this place. Because... I wanted to twist this myself but my hands were too girly and weak. : ) My friend made fun of me. These are so delicious. And only 79 cents! That is practically stealing. I use to buy them in bulk in high school. So I could snack satisfied all day long. We spent a lot of time in the candy section. She ended up getting one too. Stan she is Russian. I am going to show her the post card thing. And get the know how on it. : ) Thank you. Something looks familair. Me and dude face went to eat.
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