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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dearest snow.. eaze up a bit...? i know i lived here for 13 yrs..but it seems i have grown to be a big ole pussy when it comes to driving in it. you have shut down the only 2 ways i can travel to get back to vegas, so i am again missing a few more days of work. NOT that im in a hurry to get back to those rude ass people...but my $$ is waiting on me. Tomorrow is it...ill try again. wish me luck B
  2. so true. it has worked 3 times. men hate to hear anything about a "period" even cops... "mam, if you drive right over there, im sure they have a restroom for you to use"..hahaha TPBM bites ice cream
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear las vegas how come every time i go home, i really dont wanna go back to you? why do you have to have so many rude ass people living there? even tho i am sleeping with layers of clothes on, and under massive amounts of blankets..even a hoodie, i would much rather be here right now where love, respect and consideration flow without hesitation. i will see you next week, but my vaca away from you has been refreshing. looking forward to some "interesting" time with certain people when i get back though. hope everyone had great holidays..are you as ready to bring on a new year as i am? Love lOve loVe lovE >SM<
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear mupuddles. had a silly ass dream about last night..N/H..(for reals) you were showin me round your city..but also had to show me your tattoos..--a collection of rap letters from well know writers..haha--sort of like that guy who has all of his favorite heavy metal bands of the 80s tattooed in collage format on his back. dearest work. even though you allowed me to pay 1 month of bills in 1 week...you fucking kicked my ass.i know i dont do THAT much physical work...but the mental is drained as well. i am ever so GRATEFUL for u. dear 12 hr drive up to utah next week, be gentle on me. Love lOve loVe lovE sm
  5. if you dont like my mood now,come see me in a few minutes -fellow gemini
  6. eww, fuck no false tpbm is a bad tipper
  7. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo you seem chill...if im ever your way..id walk your side of the trax with ya
  8. false. walked to work.....in sandals, even. TPBM does some wack ass style of dance, behind closed doors only
  9. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dearest 12 oz. Oh, how i've missed you. dear educated ontzers.. good luck on all them finals. TTT, im gettin on theat this week. caught a case of P.O.B. this weekend. Love lOve loVe lovE >SM<
  10. together? false. TPBM has paid a ticket recently
  11. false. strictly dickly tpbm knows more than 2 languages
  12. false. strictly dickly tpbm speaks more than 2 languages
  13. true. tpbm can do 50 pushups...without skippin a beat
  14. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear TTT, i would gladly send u some goods...if ur up for that.until then-push cuticles back with towel while drying off after shower.oil daily.preferrably and oil with high concentrates of vit.e and jojoba oil.if not olive oil will do.once or twice a week..warm it up and soak nails in it for a few minutes. take Biotin (vitamin for hair,skin,nails). hope that helps a little. Seyer, hope u get the sleep you need. everyone else, smile..it looks good on you. >B
  15. true..i guess. not that ive ever watched it..but the thought of it is disturbing TPBM wanted to reach over and smack a bitch today.
  16. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear Took The Time. thats some funny shit.reminded me of a time i was seeing some guy..im sure he pissed me off as well...i painted french tip on his nails while he was asleep.i was laughin so hard i thought he would wake up. it was subtle enough,to where he didnt notice for a few hrs after waking. im sure my laughing randomly didnt help disguise it. thx for the laugh bunny
  17. false...i learned not to be that way years ago TPBM wears a seatbelt ALL of the time they r in a car
  18. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo your skills with the camera are inspiring
  19. false..im lucky if i pull off 7 hrs tpbm holds the door open for people
  20. False-i am the slightly thicker woman TPBM is a chapstickjunkie (i dont break character before the DVD commentaries)
  21. Oh the stories i have about Apex as well....haha
  22. ^this is a fucking legit "top of the page"
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