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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. the making of that ^^^ side note * to correctly understand the size of this thing..the little red thing on the top right of the wheel is a 20-30 gallon (or so) cooler
  2. we tried it. 6 cups and 3 tubes later
  3. Dear !@#$%, i understand. and i know we can acquire this kind of info on the web, and the stores n such, i just know that 12 oz often has (honestly) nice tips or pictures or whatever.. hope all is well SM
  4. dear Cil, makes sense. cant a bitch just grow some fuckin tomatoes? geeessh
  5. Dear 12 oz smarty pants, we all know how well the search function works...so I am asking for help. not bein lazy because i've spent almost an hour lookin.. Does anyone know or are familiar with a hydroponic thread in here? I thought FOR SURE that fellow oontzers would have some great tips/pics.....what not. id appreciate a wee bit of help. kthnxtata Sm
  6. true the same habit and the same kicking and i have yet to learn tpbm loves life right about now
  7. false. thankfully. tpbm breaks the law daily just for shits and giggles
  8. sure..only because she probably needs to be doing her fucking job. tpbm has gnarly feet.
  9. “Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing. “Don't think of it as getting hot flashes. Think of it as your inner child playing with matches.”
  10. Dear Caligula. I might actually have a bit more play time on the oontz now that i will only have to work a week -2 weeks during the month.--and just play time in general. Christeezy-- positive yes. we block any and every neg comment that comes our way. you'll see..with that beautiful baby girl...make every minute count. dont ever say "man, where did the time go" or worry about what the future holds..because when you get so wrapped up worrying about the future, ya tend to forget about today. I rambling on, you have probably heard all kinds of advice, so i wont bore ya with much. goodnight all, sweet dreams
  11. Dear Christeeeezy. Congratulations. sincerely. Dear !@#$%, (and the rest of the thread) yes, i wrote it down wrong...i am not surprised with the blur i have been in in the past few months. however, as you know, even if I were to get in touch with some people, the whole college thing took up every bit of my time and energy. (not to mention all my money) I spent 13 days on the road, we had the smoothest travels, nothing went wrong, and had a blast with my kid..we were really blessed in that aspect. I will warn you all..but as much as I was warned, nothing coulda prepared me for the 'let go' I actually had to have a friend fly out to help me get back home because I had never felt so lost in my life, without my litttle co-pilot next to me. I cried and cried, and it was triggered by ANYTHING. Each day that passes, and I hear she is ok, and doing so good, it makes it easier to cope. I have stopped crying and just anticipate hearing about her progress and her adventures. I loved Pittsburgh, and I hope it treats my child well...and if all goes as planned I will call it home next year. I have re-located out of Vegas even, but will be returning once or twice a month to make my $$ still. When I have some time..ill dig up one of those travel threads and posts some pics. Thank you all for lettin me vent and pop in occasionally to vent. love you all...and miss my oontz people. SM.
  12. Dear 12 tmrw I start our whole new life. the last few months i have been selling...giving away most of my belongings my daughter and I begin our road trip to get her too school in Pittsburgh. It is her and I driving there and I alone on the return. anything and everythng could be possible. I might be passing thru your city and am down to meet up. hit me up...prefferably thru email. since 12 oz still doesnt allow me on as much as I would like to. goodnight all wish us luck. smdoublelx@gmail.com
  13. sure...anything you say massgraff. tpbm aint doin shit
  14. dear Cali--- I was hoping Bakersfield=Bakersfield within the next year.
  15. Dear Pittsburgh, I will check you out in August.....with the thoughts of moving there next August. this is gonna be a helluva road trip...especially on the way back to Vegas. be gentle on us, please. everything I have ever known living in Vegas is about to change severely and I aint even scared. ps. I will be tryin to read thru 12 and check the travel threads to read up on any place I might stop along the way....if not I will bother you all for information. excited, SlimsMomma
  16. false. i dont know those two. tpbm has pushed a lil snot nosed kid down as an adult.
  17. false not fucked up but sounds like a porn name. the person below me will tell me something good.
  18. long time no post. however not as long as this person has been an ex. 6+ yrs. got a lil creeped out when he got 2 tattoos to match after we split. he will hit me up every yr or so no matter how big of a bitch i am or how straight forward i am about how we dont need to keep in touch i might even go so far as posting his tattoos he has in the bad tattoo thread. 12oz- bugaboo ex- team commence steve. 702-426-6571
  19. fuck that. thigh highs and pantyhose are hard enough to put on with 2 hands
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