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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. I thought “trash” was the point? what ^he said
  2. I don’t know if I’m disappointed or happy but this ain’t no Santa Claus
  3. Sold a second collection last year. I keep a few for long walks in the alleys.
  4. And it knows when it’s Mimi time, it shuts down for the night.
  5. The bottom right, Oxalis, is a pretty neat plant. the images below are just google images. Each section of its bulb can be broken off and planted in the soil. With most croms you can do that-I took a chance and broke it into several pieces. I took the bulb from a plant back in May and it’s been in a brown paper bag in a fridge plus cross country move since maybe October Then this guy popped up November kept it indoor getting am sun through a window.
  6. This is my current placement. Everyone reaching for the sun
  7. We were grouped into twos and/or threes and was assigned certain weeks to manage areas , including the table.
  8. Our class session was to harvest and eventually take down the tomatoes (that were planted by the class before us) in the hydroponic room and assemble the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) table. We sowed the seeds in rock wool and then moved them to the nft table, from there we learned how to manage the Ph and ec. Every edible item was grown and used specifically for either our culinary department or one of the neighboring community food pantries/project at a nearby school/rec center. *tip* a common greenhouse pest is Thrips. They are attracted to yellow. Do not wear yellow (and blue for another pest [white fly, I think] I can’t think exactly at this moment) but yellow was pounded into our heads. Thrips will attach to your yellow and travel to another grow area in your house and now you have double the pest problem. This guy still producing long after the tear from the stem Good views
  9. That was the the second most heartbreaking moment of my life so I swore to never get another dog. Now I dogsit to get my dog feels on. This is who is currently here. Chessie.
  10. I don’t own dogs anymore. I had two basset house Ed Earl and Sassafras and a mini doxie due to housing issues in 2008, I had to refine them. They continued to grow old together (the hounds) and the Doxie is still happy living in San Diego.
  11. With that said-and speaking of examining everything- I was walking the other day and saw an acorn. I had no idea southern Nevada had oaks, mind you, the oaks I was schooled in were in western Pennsylvania. So this was a small oak. Live oak, I imagine. I noticed a shiny ass acorn. Me prior to any training-“ what a shiny acorn” me now-“let’s go get a close up. That shiny isn’t normal” When that glossy, shine appears on a leaf, look underneath the leaf above. (Indoor And outdoor plants) . That shine is excrement from an insect. (Called honeydew) underneath the leaf was an insect colony in several stages. Larvae and adult if I had to guess. But could also be pest and predator But I wasn’t familiar with any oaks in the area so I really wouldnt be familiar with its pests.
  12. Unfortunately due to situations out of my control I just landed my ass back in the desert which has put a crazy twist on learning natives and invasives and plant names, pests....you get it. . I miss Pittsburgh immensely. I’ll be back.
  13. The school supplies a fresh pair of felcos, floral knife (which I cut myself on more than actual plants) and a jewelers loupe to help with pest id Mealy bugs and soft scale on a plant through the loupe
  14. Very much so, this. Everything was examined yes he would.
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