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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Have always been a dog person. But this is one cool cat. Gizmo the house cat thinks hes slick when he “all of a sudden” pops up when the heating pad is out. Gizmo>gi-mo->jizzmo>jizzface>gizzy>mo-mo
  2. This was a fun one- a Kalanchoe. (Mother of millions/thousands, chandelier plant, devils backbone......) i noticed within days that roots formed on the leaf droppings when it hit water. So I knocked a few off from the edge of the leaf, into the water, and the roots formed within days. Each one of those droppings is a potential plant not safe for dogs/cats/and probably kids to consume tho
  3. You can also water root some plants. All of mine have been trial and error. Some plants take up water too fast and will turn to mush; most adapt pretty quick. I would usually trim openings in a piece of plastic-to allow the parent leaf to stay out of the water and allowing the fresh cut to barely be in the water. This guy below got leggy (too long between nodes) because he wasnt getting enough light. You can see parent leaf shriveled all up below these roots would take well in some soil (near future post)
  4. Succulents are pretty simple. Also a very easy plant to propagate. If you are familiar, you e seen a succulent plant drop a leaf and that leaf will usually starting growing roots, whether it landed in soil or bare floor. You can usually find a leaf that plant has dropped, but if it’s an in tact plant, choose a healthy lower leaf and in a slight pinching/twisting motion, the leaf should separate from parent without damage. If you are using a cutting, which would most likely be the end of a branch, make a clean cut, just under a node. If a node isn’t obvious, clip right under where a leaf grows from stem. You can apply rooting hormone powder to a fresh cut, if you have it. The purpose is- the plant reacts to wound response (cutting or separation) by sending more growth hormones than usual to site. If there is no soil or water instantly the plant has to push itself to stay alive by repairing that wound. (You need that callus to form for root growth) tldnr: You can really take one whole plant, cut the top, pluck off some leaves, and take a chance that another stem can grow from the cut, you can have over a dozen new plants with patience. Set all cuttings and leaves aside for a few days. Here, I left them all in a bed of basic cactus soil sought at a box store. After about a week, start misting. You’ll see those pretty pink roots start emerging within a week or two. It’s time to plant on its own when the parent (leaf or stem) has died off, (sending its last nutrients to new plant) and roots have formed
  5. Way too fucking smart. Dark one is a fucking pothead and there’s been times he has pushed chairs to get from one place to another to acquire goods and we couldn’t find (a pipe and a mason jar) three occasions. Just lost -until the bedding got washed In Their crate
  6. That’s a 10-4. Lemme gather up a few flicks
  7. That’s what I thought! 1AA91387-BCA6-4E81-A7D8-05257064C48B.MOV
  8. A portion of the class was dedicated to design. Floral arrangements, handrawn and digital (a very fucking old program), rock and water garden designs, and our campus garden dragons. I’m ok with the fact that floral design isn’t my thing. I picked up a few things that I would t think would be my thing, but floral arrangements in a vase was not one of them. We all followed the same direction -because like most of our work, it had a purpose. These went on as table toppers for a charity dinner in the neighborhood.
  9. I feel like I just watched this within the last 6 months
  10. I wish for you to have endless love and light through this journey.
  11. Was sharing lulz about this post then saw this on my FB feed. *please read bottom of photo*
  12. People On the bus sit close as fuck until you snuggle up to them
  13. These cuttings look rough and they have been though some shit but it’s the new growth that counts. Everyone’s color/shape/pattern is growing the way it should.
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