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Organic Therapy

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Everything posted by Organic Therapy

  1. If you're on Match.com it's all good. Just take this guy for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgl11j7I2vE
  2. Forreal, I'd fuck that bitch for days.
  4. Hahahahaha, THANKS! I'm dominican though.
  5. Arise from my slumber. Brush off the dust like a new rebirth. Eliminate the accountable. Live Like I'm Real. Exist. Put the starved to rest. Make a descent to hell. Ascend to a higher place. Thrive to show my faces of death.
  6. I don't get beat anymore as I used to when I was smaller. If my dad wants to punish me for something he usually puts me on punishment, and if that doesn't work, then it goes to fists since I am older now and can handle that. I remember when I was 10 or 11, I was taking a shower and as soon as I stepped out, my dad popped outta left and just whooped the shit outta me. While I was wet, that was the worst experience ever. He used to leave bruises on my body and such. I love him to death, but I still have resentment towards him for my younger years.
  7. Hahahaha, that shit would be OD pissdrunk. and KM4RT, you have been propped for giving me my 7th tic tac!
  8. Girl #397 is fucking Pedobear, I swear it.
  9. GIRL #419 And fuck girl #415, she's on her period and is sucking dick while her DOG is in the bathroom, fuck that.
  10. Jump this guy, take all his shit and include it in the "Zombies IRL" thread for survival.
  11. Hahaha, ZAIDS. But if this will ever happen, I agree with armand hammer. A couple grenades in there and lots of ammo would top it off.
  12. I'm not a huge science nerd, but mad cow disease evolving sounds legit also. Fuck that, I got my underground stash ready.
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