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Everything posted by ipod90

  1. Way to go buddy, I hope you make some serious $$$ then blow it on a 48hr coke and hookers binge.
  2. Icecream spider. Pizza, Fb'ing bitches.
  3. False, No idea what that means. TPBM seen the Lo-lifes thread and thought it refereed to themselves.
  4. Smash for the oontz, Then start Epic Octomum Story Thread.
  5. ^ That tattoo is like a badge of honour on that woman.
  6. True, I have had enough aright. I have been looking at travel locations for about 15 hours straight. Tpbm likes the idea of a surf trip to south east asia at the beginning of next year.
  7. Spelling errors, I meant though not thought and whilst. Also being the ignorant fuck that I am, I just assumed all this was taking place in a small redneck town in the great US of A. My mistake.
  8. Funny stuff. I can imagine what happens on Frank's birthday. One question thought, does he have to be supervised whist handling fireworks on the 4th?
  9. ^ Id take the sneaky behind the dumpster bj from that, Wouldn't touch anything below the waist though,
  10. Last 5 hrs, First I did a mad load of washing (sheets, blankets & pillow cases) then did the dishes while simultaneously eating microwaved left overs from the other night. Then went to my local garage and copped a new lighter (green in colour) and a pack of chewy (strawberry hubba bubba), On the way back I stopped in at my exotic pharmacist and got some stuffs for the weekend (yeah mane!). Finally got home changed clothes and went for a 4k run, nothing hectic just a nice steady jog. Had a shower. Put on some clean clothes (khaki pants and a green russell tshirt). Now finally sitting down looking at my bed with nothing on it, wondering if I should flip it over to maximise comfort for when I put new sheets and stuff on. Currently to this second im browsing the oontz and getting ready to blast off to Mars. /singlelifewithnocashoner /whogivesashit
  11. Would rather smash before to be honest. I don't really like to smash the skinny ones.
  12. Is this an mosquito?…NO! This is an "INSECT SPY DRONE" already in production. It can be controlled from a great distance and is equipped with a camera, microphone and can land on you, and use it's needle to take a DNA sample with the pain of a mosquito bite. Or it can inject a micro RFID tracking device under your skin. It can land on you, and you take it in your home or it can fly thru a window. Funny, don't you see your window of privacy getting real narrow these days. They are preparing are you? - Repost from fb.
  13. What's the difference between a truckload of feminists and a truckload of bowling balls? The bowling balls won't suck your dick, /offensivejokesthread
  14. If only I clicked on more spam, maybe id be lucky enough to get a thread worthy link.
  15. Re: 300+ vids - 1 guy eats a bunch of shit on youtube channel - engine oil, pinecone, tamp Only on the internet can these people exist and be quite popular. I am somewhat proud to be apart of this crazy time in history.
  16. Coolhand knows what up. Also the girl in the sweats at the gym.
  17. I calling dudes will get wild as fuck just by the sight of him. Lets not forget he's a prize fighter not a jail bird vet. He's getting his ass handed to him daily after the first 130kg pekerwood nutcase get's his hands on em.
  18. Keepitrail knows his shit. Been there done the same old thang. Pm me for some details if you need it.
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