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Everything posted by jib25

  1. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es ^ Evey???
  2. Be pretty dope to paint with Tars...
  3. Ouija kills it..!! Nice work all round DF - stay up!!
  4. Fuck this thread is ill! ^ Chick before last gives a new meaning to the word handjob...
  5. Bump Zew! He fuckin' kills shit....
  6. Rusto fats hold up real nice... since the hole is so damn fat I don't think I've even had one clog on me yet?? Shit... I can't keep up with all these caps.. basically only use two kinds.. Rusto fats, and the black skinny's for Belton, NOT banana caps, but like with the triangular top where your finger sits. Can't really think of any reason to use any others, except ultra fats on chrome for some damage........................
  7. OK... For all those cocksucker comments from wanna be big balls writers who can "handle" shit like this... I just rescued three puppies from an Amish puppy mill this weekend that were in really fucked up conditions. You may eat meat, you may not like animals, you may not have animals, you may just be here scopin' through the threads bored shitless just to start shit talk, but man... just take a look at what ya saying. I guess what's wrong out there is the fact that humans are for the most part fucked. Most don't know how to treat other people, let alone animals. Just look at people driving, or being asked to be patient for a few minutes. Yeah right? Not holding out for any serious responses, after all everyone has their two cents, but fuck people c'mon. I saw a vid someone posted in best of youtube. Some bitch shot a black bear just to fuck on it. I swear... If I were there I would fuckin' kill those cunts or at least kneecap them both and leave them for dead. The bitch with the puppies. I'd put her in a sack and hold her face under water kickin' her in the cunt, and that would be for starters. "Eye for an eye so yo who want it." I hope some of you guys have some morals otherwise we are totally fucked, then again, I guess if you have morals that you uphold that would come through wisdom from knowledge learned, and some people need to learn - just like that fuckin' cunt bitch.
  8. Schnitzel... Right on man, and she's such a dope dog! Now I just gotta teach her to dig for old cans!
  9. Can't remember if I posted these before...
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