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Everything posted by thosedamnkids

  1. the nazi's made crystal meth too. hitler was the biggest meth head ever, always on his toes though
  2. yo seph that shit is dope
  3. its deffinatley a cover of a cd to a band
  4. the tracy morgan show was ill
  5. i just got it in my messages. it was so fucked.
  6. HeadMilk Newbie Posts: 0 Join Date: Apr 2008 Status: Offline Hey, I'm Looking to interview Graffiti artists anonymously online - 04-06-2008, 10:25 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a New York area University student doing a project on graffiti and I'd like to know if you would/could do an anonymous interview with me. Preferably through AIM. The interviews will be completely anonymous and I won't be recording(have no interest in) your real name or any info like that. I'm just trying to get an honest look into graffiti culture. If you're interested or have any questions please reply/ send me a private message. You can also reach me by email at revolutionnumber8@yahoo.com Thank you
  7. well i had just started writing at the time and took a walk a couple miles from my house to bomb a building about 10 at night. so stupid. i was also the worst toy ever. so i ended up hiting handstyles ont he way there and i had gotten caught in the act on one of them. which lead to running which lead to ditching my backpack. i went back 20 min later and cops had me and my bag. and got home from getting picked up at the station and my silver chain was gone. that's the once and only time i've lost something by doing graff.
  8. true the person below me is a fan of nat-e ice
  9. 30 rack of nat-e ice and just keepin it real at some kids house.
  10. lolwut.com for the first time. hahahah shit is fucked.
  11. they just stocked a walmart near my house full of those cans. so ridiculous.
  12. i lost a krew backpack, respirator, like 10 cans of rusto, bag of like 50 caps, silver chain, and almost lost my phone.
  13. call up arro mark. they are the people who make markers for krink. they have crazy markers. mighty markers are the illest. same size as krink but you can get custom colors. they only thing is you need to get 6 or more. they each go for like 5 dollars.
  14. if it's a dope spot i'll scope it a couple times the time i'll bomb it and make sure i got ways to go out. other than that just do your thing and get it clean. and then get out when it's done. i usually go with another kid too so you got another set of eyes looking out too.
  15. rusto all the way. not even accents. just good old rusto.
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