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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. :lol: I'm laughing at your username. jussayin
  2. Dear ICB, That will happen once you buy me a ticket to go out there. kthnx, -first name
  3. Dear cali, That would def be a bonus. To them it would be a "bone us" -seyer
  4. Dear cali, It would probably also help if you told them that you knew how to airbrush letters on shirts, they love that shit. -seyerrr
  5. Dear inappropriate slipper, Will it make you feel any better if I gave you pity props for being a klutz? -seyer
  6. Dear boat, Please tell me you dont dress anything like that. .. .... ... .. . -seyer
  7. Haven't been able to stay asleep. I go to bed at 12 and try to sleep. I wake up at 2 and can't sleep till I have to actually wake up. Buuuuuut I just woke up and and slept a good six hours. I'm feelin gooood.
  8. Dear boat, Since you called me the female hef I'm gonna have to start wearing a turtle neck. yee -seyer
  9. Dear SMXL, What a fucking rough thing to go through. I can't imagine having my head opened 3 times, let alone being put to sleep to have them do that. Keep doin your thing and enjoying life. What didn't kill made you a stronger person. startednotakinglifeforgrantedthisyearoner, ms.seyer Dear ex, What a coincident that you sit next to me in both classes. This is gonna be an awkward semester. -seyeerr ps: please stop staring at my chesticles.
  10. Dear Mrs.Bfish, Congradulations! Hope you enjoy your honey moon -seysey
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: HAHAHAHA BBOAT!
  12. Dear Bfish, You are lucky I am not your auntie... or else that womans head would've been ripped off by now... Sorry about the dress, hope everything falls into it's place :] -seyer
  13. Dear rolf, :lol: :lol: :lol: that made my day!! -seyer Dear boat, jk i dont hate you. i dont even remember posting that :lol: -seysey
  15. Dear boatwhodoesntreallyhatemebuthatesthesjsharkslikewhoaa1er, HAHAHAHAHA christ, you never fail with the crazy ass imaginations. I'm gonna have dinner with my sister tomorrow because she said that she has good news to tell me. I have a feeling she's going to tell me that she's having a baby. Do you think this would be an appropriate time to promote hatred for the sharks to this baby? -seyerrzilllaaaaa ps: sharrrrk weeeeeeeeek
  16. Dear boatdoesntlikemylamedreamsthatihaveofhimbecausehehatesme1er, ahahaha I knoow it was laaame -seyer Dear suki, daammnnnn slammin down the gable like a bawwwssss! -seysey
  17. Dear boatwhodoesntanswertextswhenhedontfeellikeitlolz, I think you and your brother ended up staying at my house, and just crashed on my sofa. Then when you guys were leaving you gave me a hug..then i woke up :lol: :lol: -seyzzzer
  18. My normal bedtime lately has been 4am....or is that abnormal?
  19. Dear person, This isn't working out... I'm no longer happy where we at =/ -ms.firstname Dear boat, I had a weird dream the other day, and you were in it :lol: -seyzzer
  20. False the person below me has been in the emergency room in the past month.
  21. Dear Red, Congradulations red! -seyer Dear B!GD, Ok i'll be looking forward to it haha! -seyer
  22. False. The person below me looks good wearing glasses.
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