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Everything posted by ms.seyer

  1. Dear Cali, I've been grrreat! What's new with you? -seyseysey Dear Micah, Want me to punch her? Since you were willin to punch dude who was stressin me? lol tcl por vida -seyyseyy
  2. Dear BBOAT Golden moment,nevar forget that, it will never happen again lolz -seyseyseyseysey Dear A***, Seriously, stop calling and texting me and callin me "kip" it's not cute and I'm not impressed but rather turned the fuck off. I made it clear to you that I'm talking to someone else. Fall back -MS Dear ct biters, watchoutnow protect ya neck. shape up or ship out. jussayin -seyer
  3. Dear BOAT, HAHAHAHA shiiit that pizza video had me laughin till I my face was stinging with tears. Barrel rolls of sadness fo days, snoke bruntz arr day wif mewletz. -seysey Ps: OK ALREADY YOU WERE RIGHT... THAT "IMA DRAIN YOU SO GOOD" THING I SAID 2 YEARS AGO WAS DIRTY LOL Dear NOES, I'm goin through dilemma city. womp -seyeerrr Dear Cali, TCL all day errday por vida haha How ya been cali?! -seyseysey
  4. Dear BOAT, AWWW what !? nooooooo whyy. :( :( :( don't make me do the barrel rolls of sadness :lol: -seysey Edit: Dear Cali, TCL represent! -seysey
  5. Dear BBOAT, womp womp womp :lol: :lol: -seyeeerrr
  6. Dear NOES, congrats on the new jay oh bee! -seysey
  7. Dear BBOAT. :lol: hahaha that pizza thing had me in tears from laughing hhaha -seysey
  8. Dear bboat, PM Sent -seyyyrererrr
  9. Dear BBOAT, Leave me more drugged out funny voicemails! I need a good laugh in this time of my life :lol: -seyseyseyseyseysey
  10. Dear facemeltmaaargwhore, Just embrace that you are not into men for your own good. Slow your roll, seysey
  11. Dear Cali, My father made some paella over the weekend, and I'm eating left overs right now... for some reason I ended up thinking about you :lol: -seyseysey
  12. Dear thealmighty, I think you got cali's attention at "fat girls" :lol: :lol: -seysey
  13. Dear NOES, Life's good. How are you noes?! -sleyer
  14. Yeah, I'm so ugly it keeps me awake at night fuuuuuu
  15. RIP .much respect, my condolences
  16. Haven't been able to sleep at all lately and I feel fucking terrible.
  17. ms.seyer


    my drink. is an alcoholic.yes
  18. Dear allergies, Get the fuck out of my life, you're ruining it!! -seyer Dear person, I'm glad you took it well when I broke the bad news to you, I appreciated the things you did for me and glad you appreciated the things I did for you as well. -me Dear badmeds, :) -seysey
  19. Dear mi vida, Looks like life is gonna take a wild turn. Let's see what happens. I feel like I'm a puppet of your ways. -ms
  20. Dear boat, umm that skinnyblackwhite guy is a fatty on the inside,skinny on the outside always hungry n eating :lol: It still counts in tcl! <3 lolz seysey
  21. Dear runine, You're welcome... and right on for joining Team Chubb Lubb! -seyeyyo Dear Boat, Fuck you. <3
  22. Dear RUNINE, If you got love for the thicks, chubbies, or fatties. Copy pasta "Team Chubb Lubb" into your sig. -seyy
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