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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. 2015 https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/259981-feds-sell-off-final-silk-road-bitcoins but also today https://thehill.com/policy/technology/524647-justice-department-seizes-1-billion-in-bitcoin-tied-to-illicit-drugs-and 🤔 so, if the are planning to sell off these BTC like they did with the last round, how would the sell off of $1bn in coins impact the current price?
  2. It’s not a what you like it’s the consumer your hormones + scent = $
  3. Let us know what your lady friends say @mr.yuck curious if they like the scents without knowing the brands
  4. this whole FAKE NEWS propaganda has dug itself so deep into our country we are arguing definitions ... lol. Jeebuz
  5. Trying to see where you’re coming from with that. Do you mean we should use a definition from a medical dictionary, not one decided by WHO? Or when WHO changes the designation we follow that? I was expecting to see it referred to as something other than pandemic when pulling up their sites.
  6. Ok. What are those three entities calling it these days? pulling up both of their websites shows they still call it a pandemic. I could be wrong?
  7. Would it be fair for me to say: @Kults believes the global pandemic is real and its killing large amounts of people across the globe ?
  8. Are you unsure whether it’s killing very large amounts of people? Not within nations or continents, but across the globe?
  9. Are you unsure whether this global pandemic is real?
  10. Dude who knows if an elder has emphysema and then gets pneumonia and dies, the killer is pneumonia, not emphysema
  11. I think these are really cool. They appeal to my design side but are equally canceled out by my purpose driven side. @mr.yuck https://mrjoneswatches.com/collections/mens-watches
  12. @mr.yuck https://www.amazon.com/Seiko-SNK809-Automatic-Stainless-Canvas/dp/B002SSUQFG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=seiko+5&qid=1604192446&sr=8-3
  13. Yea that’s for sure. Not my cup of tea either. A lot better options in that range and below. @mr.yuck
  14. If you’re looking for an automatic watch you never need to change the battery, skx/5kx is a solid bet. My only gripe w that one is the timing bezel with no indices/lume pip, so you can’t even use it to time anything. I’m very ‘pro seiko’. If you’re looking to dip your feet into the mechanical watch game, I say pull the trigger. Resale value should be pretty good if you want to get something else afterwards. Worst case is you need to try and sell on a street fighter forum or some jazz, @mr.yuck
  15. Not my cup of tea but might be up someone’s alley
  16. I didn’t vet the source, but here is what I can find quickly https://virusncov.com/covid-statistics/usa for the sake of comparison https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_military_casualties_of_war
  17. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-usa-record-idUSKBN27G07S https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/10/30/us/us-covid-case-record.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage bad times.
  18. They are now in the drop down menu, top right of your screen, where user CP and link to shop are.
  19. Another beheading in France today this time in a church during morning mass happened in Nîce Ive been to that city, spent a week there nuts to imagine something like this happening there i may’ve been in the church this happened at wild times. 😞
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