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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by KILZ FILLZ

  1. Our Lyft driver also suggested ten thousand waves. We are without a car but maybe we can make it happen.
  2. Got my part 1 Pfizer part 2 inbound no side effects to report. Not even a tummy ache
  3. Where the fuck the all blacks at in this mix?
  4. This is the airport they have extremely strict architecture guidelines to follow here. All the building looks like Adobe and are earth tone
  5. Super happy you guys are engaging! so far just the airport and hotel this town seems pretty dope. Wayyy smaller than I anticipated but I’m down with that. Georgia okeefe and Meow Wolf are the only things on the docket so far.
  6. Just realized you prob mean “own them” like sant make and sell Mario sprites? Nah would make my own stuff. 8 balls and panther heads etc @Dirty_habiT
  7. I wasn’t sure so I looked it up: https://www.ledger.com/blog/create-your-own-nft How to Create NFTs? Contrary to what you may assume, creating your NFTs takes little to no technical knowledge. There are many NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea, Rarible or Mintable where you can create NFTs for your artwork in a matter of minutes. To start creating your NFT, you will first need to connect your crypto wallet to an NFT marketplace of your choice. The wallet address will be your login info, so you will never need to share any other details. Once done, you can go to the “Create” section on the marketplace, upload your artwork and finalize the process by clicking the right buttons. Store Your NFTs Securely The proof-of-ownership of your artwork stored in an NFT is inherently secure and immutable. But the token itself is only as safe against theft as a private lockbox with a million dollars placed on a table in the waiting hall of a train station. That’s why you need to ensure the safety of the token that safeguards your artwork’s authenticity. So, how do you store your NFTs safely? Hardware wallets. Hardware wallets such as the Ledger Nano S are flash drive-like devices that allow you to store your fungible and non-fungible crypto tokens with full security. Apart from supporting NFTs on Ethereum, Ledger wallets now also support Cardano native tokens. With a Ledger Nano wallet, you get complete control over your NFTs as only you — the person who knows the private key and recovery phrase — can access them. It stores your token away from the internet not allowing any ill-actor to lay eyes on your beloved NFTs. and earlier in the article : Should You Create NFT Artwork? You surely have your doubts whether or not NFTs are really worth a shot. But think about the traditional art world for a moment. You see art galleries, people paying hundreds of thousands or millions for artwork… and then you’re struck by reality. Only a countable few are able to make a living out of it given the right circumstances. Even then, they have to share their revenue with multiple parties involved in the sale. The world of NFTs is very different. In it, you, the artist, control all strings of your artwork. NFT marketplaces are global marketplaces and they expose your artwork to the entire world. You don’t need to contact a gallery or an agency to sell your work. You don’t have to share your revenue with middlemen. In fact, NFT marketplaces keep you in the loop of your artwork’s sale all the time. Every time your artwork’s NFT is traded, you can get a fair commission from it. Also, you can, at any time, also prove the authenticity of your work and that at any given time only one person will be the true owner of your artwork. All in all, the whole NFT artwork ecosystem creates a more democratic landscape for everyone to buy and sell artwork. ... writers should get in on this. Graphic imagery for sale and Zoomers are going crazy copping all of em to have DigiCred
  8. @mr.yuckBitcoin *is* an inefficient way to move money. The fees are ‘tarded. nano and doge have no fees. If you wanted to pay someone use these.
  9. Bathroom was flooded from leak behind upstairs neighbors tub kitchen was flooded from hole in a pipe in the wall behind the kitchen sink drain both were within the first month of ownership
  10. I wanted to do this photothread a bit differently. Instead of a reactionary photothread; where you only see what I ended up doing and found interesting while stumbling around ... I wanted to start the thread first and open up a dialogue with you. what did you did when you were here? what took you there? When? What do you suggest as a must see? what do you want me to flick while I am there?
  11. Flooring install started commentary IMG_8265.mp4
  12. Texans are the ones that leaked the Deshaun shit him requesting a trade was because he knew they would totally speculative 🧐


    Anyone making and selling? can’t help but feel like I’m missing out on some easy payoffs would likely try to target 8bit/16bit/32bit sprites marketed as social media avatars have no idea where to begin though None of these are mine, just representations of what I’m describing
  14. Cabinets look nice. Team was there starting to floors today so I didn’t stay long or take any video. Curious if the dishwasher and stove will be reset after the floors??? Seems bass ackwards
  15. We’ve been in a hotel now about one month. One more month to go. No pets allowed on a construction site so home owners Ins had to find us a pet friendly hotel. It’s nice, but I’ve spent a lot of time on the road for work and hate hotels. Missus has never spent more than a couple days in one so it’s kind of a novelty for her.
  16. I’ve already had to do that with a couple other things, estimate included remove/reset of both the countertop and and microwave/exhaust vent. Give me my money!! Lol. Gotta call the proj Mgr and let him know about the gloss/matte issue
  17. Some vids of the condo from signal chat After the demo. Dehumidifier and fans drying shit out No commentary IMG_6974.MOV
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