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Everything posted by nsmbfan

  1. photoshop towels on their heads mail developed pictures with random bearded guys circled in red pen to Teska's Germania Restaurant in San Jose with ransom note "I KNOW WHAT YOU DO" demand for money to be deposited into an offshore account (they'll know how, they're terrorists - and they gamble in vegas, they got dough) profit
  2. i guess what i was stressing was probability. if all casino games offered these ridiculous odds, would there be any players? here's what i've noticed about people: 1) if odds are high and the outcome good, there's a shot it'll happen to you. 2) if odds are high and the outcome is bad, there's no fucking way that could happen to you. 3) if odds are high and the outcome is neutral, there's no fucking reason to try anyways so fuck it. voting falls under #3. i guess the fact that one persons vote (which people say one vote doesn't matter) has a better chance at changing the outcome of something than one person buying 10,000 chances at a rigged carnival game (lottery). yet people choose the latter to the former. not trying to be political but something like less than 10% of the populous votes. yet every idiot plays the lottery... and goes to walmart. fuck all them people, sterilize their water (just give them free drinking water with lottery purchase) /doomedgeneration
  3. working from home gives me more free time than i know what to do with
  4. posted this on my girls FB before i realized who was making the comments, thought it was just another nigger guy, turned out to be the gay photographer. his FB says he's a performer known as Young Visionary and he's inspired by poetry, so... still.. KEEP AWAY FROM MY WHITE WIMMINZ
  5. still doesn't deter from the fact that he's the best of the worst maybe your 5 posts validate this claim, but imho you probably aren't gonna vote anyways. due to your status. amirite?
  6. my thoughts nobody should go balls to the wall with 30lbs of gut fat eat right for a month, lose 10 lbs then try
  7. HAHA work at or own a cell phone kiosk. one you work, the other works for you. drunk ass
  8. nsmbfan

    Batlefield 3

    Battlefield 3* and yes. but only because it's unnatural to anyone who's ever played Counter-Strike to use a fucking controller for FPS. /yesgamer origintag: nsmbfan
  9. because of this: no, in fact it doesn't. regardless of how many tickets sold (or "chances of combinations"), the odds of a 6 ball drawing are always the same. 5 balls, numbers 1-56, no number repeated, mega ball 1-46... it's not a hard math formula. in fact, the odds are: 1 in 176,000,000 (src: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/30/mega-millions-odds-likely-win-640-million-jackpot_n_1391868.html) you have a better chance of getting eaten by a shark ON LAND YOU HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF GETTINGS AIDS JERKING OFF YOU HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF GETTING HIT BY LIGHTNING INDOORS YOU HAVE A BETTER CHANCE AT GETTING HIT BY A BUS WHILE FLYING ON AN AIRPLANE i didn't expect this from Rhode Island... props if i weren't 24'd the lottery money supports domestic terrorism and the war on drugs. thats why im against it. tax poor idiots, what do i care? i just dont appropriate the funds. thats my issue. HOWEVER.... i've always wondered what would happen if you purchased EVERY POSSIBLE NUMBER COMBINATION... especially now, if you had $176,000,000 (plus or minus $100,000,000 just to be on safe side) for a quick double up on your money ($462 milly cash value option $350milly after tax) any mathematicians wanna weigh in on this? none here? ok cool. edit again: just found this on facebook, this asshole spent $400 on tickets told him he has a better chance of getting hit by the statue of liberty that got caught in a hurricane and landed in Texas on his barstool..probably unfriended by morning... hopefully
  10. this is the same principle for bereaving in jeebus CANT WIN LESS YA PLAY!! DERP no, im already a winner. with $1 more than you now.
  11. THE LOTTERY IS A TAX FOR PEOPLE WHO CANNOT DO MATH you have a better chance of me punching you face thru the screen also... because NOBODY WINS is the reason it gets so high to begin with. then lets say some poor indigent bastard with $1 wins... giving that fuck millions of dollars would result in MC Hammer style dumb fuckery as i type this my gf walks in with two tickets... fml, that coulda been another beer
  12. FIRST 1080 EVER ON A SKATEBOARD a 12 year old.... http://www.redbullusa.com/cs/Satellite/en_US/Video/first-ever-1080-skate-021243187233817
  13. bro, extra large to a chinese IS an american small. maybe your bad on that one.
  14. did Mero lose his account... or? nope just drunk. noted sir.
  15. the world needs this guy at least, i could stand to know 10 of him.
  16. im not into gucci condoms man, i dont care whether its fake or not, does it work? i can see if you're into fashion then that makes sense. but what seperates real from fake when it comes to electronics? branding? marketing? because it has a commercial you've seen, that validates it? same manufacturers make same chips and diods and transistors as all major brand name retailers (samsung, sony, apple, etc etc etc) all child labor, except YOU pay more for a name that you "recognize". in this instance, SanDISK being a brand you may recognize... but the unbranded same technology goes for less - no marketing involved. like the grocery store brand cereal, same shit lower price. i was just wondering if this was on the level as nigerians and princes and wiring money.... cuz the last time i did THAT....
  17. ok good cuz i bought a gift card to do the first transaction, that was gonna be my next question.
  18. so start out with smaller orders? how many times did she get burned?
  19. anybody done this? I know a guy who got shipped all kinds of shit from there (steroids n such), but I heard you got to have a pretty good source. i started looking online Dhgate.com is a popular wholesaler for example... we can all agree, micro sd is a micro sd, who cares about the brand. and all chinese people make them so they're all the same, right? put it in your phone, it works. (step 1) 32gb micro sd from DHgate.com (chiiiiiina.... $8.68 each) http://www.dhgate.com/-20pcs-lot-32gb-micro-sd-card-32gb-tf-card/p-ff80808130ff1696013102a4adc85c92.html (step 2) 32gb micro sd from Amazon.com ($18.00 each) http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=32gb+micro+sd (step 3) PROFIT I sell cell phones now, and have money to furnish an accessories portion of the kiosk. This would be a great way to do it.... if not the only way. just wary of the slant eyes. HAS ANYBODY had success ordering shit from fucking China?? business opportunity or am i gonna get identity thefted?
  20. copy pasta google knowings half the battle! also way innappropriate, but... + =
  21. http://en.lelo.com/staticPage.php?page=tiani DAAAMN.... it looks like she can plug her ipod into it next level swedes
  22. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/live-news-6046305
  23. iPhone will never be 4G either double POW
  24. YOU'RE WELCOME THIS WAS MY INTENTION. it makes it like the old oontz. I'm starting to think Drue has stock in ABP /justdoingmypart
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