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Everything posted by dcay

  1. Hearing about 'Osama' bin laden dying. On the other hand, the memes have been hilarious.
  2. Nothing positive? Since when has war ever been positive?
  3. Lol, looks like I was wrong homie. Go B's!
  4. I watched all the parks and rec on netflix in like a day, it was awesome.
  5. Im thinking theyll win tomorrow, then lose the next one haha.
  6. The wings seem to have given up, I'm going to call it a 4-1 series in your favor.. WHOMP.
  7. Had to do it for financial aid, Thanks for the dough America.
  8. Pekka Rinne fucking rules. I missed that game though :(
  9. Work sucks but having money to afford nice things for yourself is pretty cool.
  10. Is that mike cammalleri? Lol
  11. Holy Rollers was pretty good. Definitely better then I thought it was going to be.
  12. Didn't care who won but, the way it ended was awesome.
  13. dcay


    Mormon people* and how in the blazes do they work?
  14. Were they white? I bet they're white.
  15. Best thing since the police precinct shoot out video.
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