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Everything posted by lil_spenty

  1. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crandy
  2. dude i want a wallabie straight up
  3. that fucking youtube video is fucking bizarre
  4. that katt williams video is the shit
  5. i dont not how to post flicks on a mac http://ucblibraries.colorado.edu/musicimages/Rag/RagDandy/RagDandy01a.jpg help?
  6. http://www.alfamusic.com.tw/artists/wallpapers/Landy800x600_03.jpg
  7. and who's the one motherfucker that voted "yes"?
  8. yeah, that would be some kim jung ill shit
  9. thats some super paranoid methed up middle of america commie shit dude. ANYONE ANYWHERE COULD BE PLANNING A CHILD RAPE/PORN AT ANY MOMENT. the dudes got issues, get him help before he acts out. he doesnt need to be in prison yet though.
  10. i'd prop if it'd let me got this on cassette
  11. well i mean yeah if he took the picture of a minor without his parents permission then yeah thats fucked up, but sex crimes carry such high penalties and i dont think he deserves prison time
  12. maybe offer them therapy and treatment or medication, but i think prison time should be used for actual molestation or stalking or whatever creeps do
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