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Fist 666

12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Fist 666

  1. Fist 666


    nerd unit, you seem to be quite the wealth of information. your presence in this thread is appreciated. haha its hard to sell bmx bikes. the market is flooded and i can't get 100 for a 600 dollar bike. i'm halfway contemplating giving it away as i haven't really ridden in 2 years, and don't see myself starting up again anytime soon.
  2. Fist 666


    thats what i've been saying!!!!1 sure the fags on pistas are fags, but they aren't on rollerblades. up the bikes
  3. Fist 666


    read the last 10 pages of this thread. you will find all the advice you can handle about bikes.
  4. Fist 666


    if you want to smoke him, then you're gay. but more importantly if you want to be better, its not the bike its the amount of work you've put into it. if he rides 2 hours a day, you ride 3 and so on. if he does 5 mile climbs, you do 10 mile climbs, and then you go swimming.
  5. aye. silent circus was amazing. then alaska just killed me. redefined how music could move me... colors is certainly seeming like its on par or surpassing it...
  6. have you been following the day-by-day release of songs? thus far i'm quite satisfied. def. my most anticipated album of the year
  7. Fist 666


    the only "real bad" crashes i've ever had i've been wearing a helmet. so i know what you mean hesh, like its a target or a bad luck charm... i should wear one. everyone should...
  8. Fist 666


    i don't know track dimensions at all, i'm just pretty certain the bottom bracket would not work plus the 3 gears...
  9. fuck you buddy. my plan is a little kitten lolcattish with a channel zero banner
  10. Fist 666


    i have some 180 XT hollowtech that wouldn't work at all for your needs, but they're really fucking sexy...
  11. word. i'll roll this week... hopefully nobody else beats me to it...
  12. holy shit... raven, how serious are you on the tattoo gets you 6 issues?
  13. i don't think so. just checked their myspace--it would seem so don't know who put it out tho
  14. shut the fuck up. anyone who's been around punk or hardcore for more than a minute knows the difference. if the term skin is used to mean nazi, its because we don't fucking care. i've been around trads and sharps my whole life and i still don't give a fuck about the terminology. and for the record "sharp" isn't just something you pick up because you shave your head and aren't racist, i kind of doubt you've earned said title in anyway and FSU isn't a skin group, they're a hardcore crew. and they are FUCKING GAY.
  15. i got here in late 00. its funny to see that stuff. that pic with the bikes... oh those hours upon hours in highschool (i still had dial up then...) christ, who knows where my life would be if i'd used that time elsewhere...
  16. Fist 666


    haha. yeah. i'm not retarded. i've been riding since i was 6, and on mountain bikes since i was 12. i ride hutchinson tires usually at 35 psi. one of the flats took place after i'd switched tubes and the top part of the presta valve broke--rendering the tube incapable of holding air, so perhaps 4 is a more accurate number.
  17. Fist 666


    aye. i carry a patch kit in case my extra tubes fail me. god hates me and gives me flats a lot. my record is 5 in one day. i didn't ride for a couple weeks after that i was so pissed. (and no it wasn't something in my rim or tire, just really sharp granite with medium drops) for breathing, just keep riding. the more you do, the easier it becomes, do things outside of riding as well, running, jump ropes, etc...
  18. Fist 666


    haahaha he pulled rank on the internet! oh shit, oh shit... floooooooooooowchart his ass.
  19. Re: Bung my staple with this big old potato. Hard. No habla spanish
  20. Fist 666


    phew, glad i've got a langster......... haha. you don't need eyelets for fenders, i've got sws ones that have rubber straps that wrap around your fork/frame for mounting. works well. going to find trails this weekend. can't wait, will be first real riding on the new bike. i've had it for 2 weeks but have been fucking nuts busy... hopefully just get in a simple 10 mile and call it a day. its been a while since i've been on a bike so hopefully my crotch is up for 10...
  21. Re: Show me YOUR nutsack. i've got a few hundred books. mostly american lit, art, sci-fi/fantasy, also have a ton of cookbooks. a couple thousand comic books, trades/graphic novels.... reading is good.
  22. 18 visions was hardcore guy. lifeless and best of... those albums were fucking solid. unfortunately they got aids and went gay... fuck FSU. i'll sleep on idiocy til i die.
  23. i love vegan straight edge music. not sure why as i'm a former butcher (now i'm a soldier...) and i'm usually drunk (when off duty, of course......). its silly most of the time, and though it may be bullshit, i guess i like it because there is so much fucking rage and passion that they're letting out. even if its about things i'm not in line with...
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