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Fist 666

12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Fist 666

  1. certainly, but i atleast think its fun. running i don't enjoy that much. plus i occasionally get shin splints which makes me like it less...
  2. it depends what you want out of running. endurance or speed. you can have both... i don't know what your 1 mile time is. mine sucks (7:10), but i can run at that pace for 6 miles and not be destroyed at the end of it. (just to clarify: this isn't impressive/good i know, it functions as an "average" example though) if you don't enjoy running try swimming...
  3. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo nah man, you can eat almost everything off of those guys. you don't gut any fish from the top, center of the belly in most cases.. only thing i can figure is he was just chopping for bait. which is still the wrong way to go about it...
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo i don't understand why you'd butcher an animal in the water like that... looks like dude is just fucking with an animal for fun. asshole. sharks are delicious sometimes.
  5. i like ciders around a fire. for like 2 bottles. after that i prefer liquor. stella was the drink this evening. she treated me well enough, though not great. bitch.
  6. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo you'll probably have to make love to one of the mods or knock their sisters up or something to get any love from that side of the oz. good luck. i'm going to bed.
  7. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo fuck post count. restart it when you get to cool numbers. i've got 5 names to 666. i kept this one because i'm not cool enough to get invites and didn't want to be left out... i guess i'll run to 1337 with it. hopefully i'll have atleast ONE invite by then...
  8. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo it was raining and 39 degrees here this morning during PT. fucking cold. good work out though: 400 meter run 50 pushups, 50 situps, 50 air squats 400 meter run 40... 30... 20... 10... 24:30 seconds. on 4 hours of sleep, fucking beat down...
  9. haha. i know its cut off, but... Great White N. N for...
  10. concussion was the result of some "dance floor justice" if you will. i don't really know how it happened. I remember UNEARTH playing most of ENDLESS and then there are about 35 minutes of missing time. my head is still fucking killing me. seattle kids mosh alright, alot less two-stepping than colorado so that makes me happy. i'm not going to drink til the headache goes away.
  11. good call. deliciousness. i got a mild concussion last night, so i'm not drinking for a couple days... i'm still pretty fucked up from it. my head is spinning constantly. i didn't learn anything at school today...
  12. i've decided that sometimes self-medicating is not the right choice. depression is bad news, but i think i'll try and sleep this night off without the help of my best friend.
  13. i was so thoroughly disappointed by this movie. the previews were outstanding, but captured ALL that the movie had to offer. too predictable.
  14. you need to drink more water. i drink between 1 and 1.5 gallons daily. i've gained 6 pounds in 3 months. just protein and exercise. i want 10 more pounds. chest and arms need it...
  15. Fist 666


    i don't like small carbon parts... i think that level of the weight game is ludicrous.
  16. abby style is in reference to beer made by trappists (monks). chimay is probably the most common, and is fairly delightful. i had it on tap tonight for the first time. i honestly enjoy the bottles better, i can't see there being to high a demand on chimay at the bar i was at, so possibly a day too old on the keg or something. also had a boddington's pretty tasty though i don't think i was in the right mood for that style of beer. i was DD so i didn't get much drinking in... i had some great wings though. well they were okay. the guy i ended up driving puked all over the inside of my car. i screamed at him for a long time and he took it like a child. i hate being stone sober having to deal with shit faced motherfuckers. i'll be spending tomorrow morning cleaning up that glorious mess. ugh... military people in general are some of the most irresponsible drinkers i've ever met. oh yeah. so one of my boys just got back from special forces selections. thats why we went out. we almost got in a fight with some of the guys from first group. fuckin' assholes pulling rank in a bar. doesn't get any respect... bad night over all
  17. their seasonal brews are pretty delicious. headed to this bar this weekend. paulaner on tap. excited for that.
  18. i can drink gin pretty easily, though i don't love it. stella artois is tasty, but not amazing. i used to drink it for free (it was our house beer) so i've had plenty of it and will never say no to it, almost too smooth current--ANCHOR STEAM mad love for this beer.
  19. i had one by ft collins brewery last fall. they used like 600 pounds of tart cherries per batch. super high sugar=13.5% alcohol. basically tasted like a lightly acidic red wine completely free of tannins. it was pretty delicious, though not very "beery". i had 2 pints and was doing pretty fucking good.
  20. Fist 666


    besides having really good platforms, crank bros make awesome clipless. awesome pedals all around. if you don't like the standard look of clipless shoes, check out 661s, i've had a pretty good experience with mine. otherwise, i'm pretty partial to diadoras for the money
  21. i drank mojitos with dinner. they're really gay. but i like how rum makes me feel.
  22. eh, i guess i didn't notice it til 02. i've never had anything to do with the hip hop scene, just metal and a bit of hardcore.
  23. yeah. its also a great place to grow up. what years were you there? around 02 the hipster explosion was fucking horrible.
  24. its no rumor, hollister is comfy as fuck. being a beer snob is not a hipster trait, buying beer because its expensive, imported, or had a good review is hipster. working in fine dining for years and getting to sample beers all day long gives you an appreciation for beer. living in colorado where every other bar is a microbrewery gives you an appreciation for beer. this is the internet, nothing's being taken that seriously.
  25. your post is well put. there are trends in the food/bev industry though. i worked restaurants for about 11 years, the food we would serve at times was indicative of food trends in other major cities. beer has been affected similarly. PBR became "hipster" over the fact that pbr is a staple beer at dive joints, dive bars became the staple hang out for hipsters... and pbr shirt are easy to find at thrift stores. yes, some people really enjoy it. simple palettes from similar gene patterns in the sperm and egg? i don't know... maybe newcastle is going through the same thing, its an easy beer to drink so it would make sense.
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