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Everything posted by xrebelheartsx

  1. i guarantee everyone on here has eaten marrow at some point. ever had anything with gelatin in it? there you go. but just straight marrow... i don't know about that.
  2. you know, for someone that supposedly hates porn/adult business as much as tyra does, she sure does a LOT of shows about it. anyone else remember when she went undercover as a stripper? and this Sasha Grey thing is the 4th show on porn (that i can think of) that she's done. they're all the same, she talks down to them, judges them, basically acts like a fucking asshole, then tries to spin it into a "oh i just want you to make the right decisions blah blah blah". seriously, if you hate porn so much, stay the fuck away from it. stay the fuck away from the people that do it. there's 2 types of people in porn; those who do it because they love it, and those that do it because they're fucked up (whether it be from abuse, drugs, whatever). regardless of what "type" Tyra has on her show, what the hell makes her think that her talking shit to someone to try to make them feel bad is gonna have any more of an effect than that person's friends, family, and loved ones expressing their disapproval?
  3. i've met her a few times, and she's really an awesome person. one of the veeerrrryyy few people in porn that even kinda has their head on straight.
  4. the contract they offered him was shit, and they weren't willing to negotiate on it at all. which is, of course, right in line with Steinbrenner's "my way or the highway" attitude. i'm honestly surprised they even offered him anything. "In the end, the core problem for the Yankees was hardly Joe Torre. The core problem was the Yankees' reliance on getting the biggest names for the most money, even if some of the careers involved were not exactly in ascendance." http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/news/article_perspectives.jsp?ymd=20071018&content_id=2271391&vkey=perspectives&fext=.jsp
  5. heaven666 is chock full of good (bad?) shit.
  6. for the day to day random shots... and for the mr. fancy pants shots...
  7. woke up ass early to go pick up my boy and drive him to work... got all the way to his house before noticing i had a voicemail, which of course was him saying he didn't need a ride. drove back home, saw a train along the way that i had seen about a week earlier when i was painting a spot about an hour away. got home... ounce. uneventful oner.
  8. amen. the wife and i were also talking last night about how when we were kids, going out to mcdonalds or whatever was a treat, as opposed to now when parents are too fucking busy and self-concerned to cook anything, so kids eat taco bell every fucking night. then the parents wonder why their kids are fat.
  9. check wikipedia for cthulu info, and read some H.P. Lovecraft. that's good shit.
  10. this shit kinda freaked me out when i saw it:
  11. god damn... that's so fucked up. i couldn't even imagine being in that position now, let alone as a little kid.
  12. everyone always said freddy vs. jason would never happen. i think it should be freddy vs. jason vs. cthulu... no contest.
  13. gagne is such a fucking huge mistake. if there's gonna be any sort of "curse" activity this time around, it's gonna be because of his ass. every time that dude has come in this season, he's either blown it or nearly blown it. and yeah, the dude was the shit before he came to Boston, but then he just froze the fuck up. i know Francona's trying to give him some time blah blah blah... but giving him time at the expense of losing games, playoff games no less, is fucking retarded. hopefully the next few games go really well, i'd like to see cleveland get knocked out at home.
  14. i'm still waiting on freddy vs. jason vs. ash
  15. hahaha... kreko. those cryo's are looking good.
  16. vampire hunter d is ill, if for nothing else the artwork is dope. yoshitaka amano is an amazing artist.
  17. true, mike patton is steady doing new shit, but most of it is riding that line between music and noise for the sake of noise. my point was that there's a very, very low chance of there being any more truly unique music. there's plenty of "noise" acts out there, but can you really call that music? i guess you're right though, there's definitely some fusions that haven't been tried, but i'm not sure if i want to hear a salsa/grindcore band :)
  18. el-p is one of those dudes that i just can't get into, but he's definitely coming with some relatively fresh ideas. the problem, for me, is finding that balance between boundary-pushing and listenable. there's a lot of stuff out there that's trying really hard to be unique, which i definitely appreciate, but it just sounds like shit. not saying that el-p sounds like shit, but you know what i mean. it's like someone making a horror move full of gore just to shock, rather than making a good horror movie.
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