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Lesbian Fisting

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Everything posted by Lesbian Fisting

  1. Re: This mattress is perfect for a white person... or a black person! The Red House is 15 minutes from my house.
  2. Fuck yeah on that 1oh53 and Kwel. Cleanest Close ever, hope its still running.
  3. Layed in bed until 2. Had some Chex and decided to go for a ride before work. My city on a hot as day. Its been over 85 for a straight week. No bueno. Rode to the top of the deck so I could ride the corkscrew down. There were Injuns in the park. Went to a print shop and got some nice shit. Ill post pics when I get them hung. Got to work early so I could cool down... ...and eat hummus. "Created" these for 7 hours. Came home and drank a 6 of this with the misses and went to bed. No pictures of what happened there. Overall boring day but I wanted to add something since the site crashed and I have innanet again.
  4. Im on the boat with this kid. This makes me feel better until I wake up.
  5. Getting it on 360. Im fucking stoked for this.
  6. I didnt think we would need this so soon again...
  7. Totally serious thread thats people still cant manage to get.
  8. Did you expect boner material when you opened a thread with "Nazi Dungeon Sex" in the title?
  9. I have the auto foam pump Dial pump soap. Bars kind of gross me out and are a pain.
  10. False The person below me likes refried beans.
  11. Rick Roll is played out. If it wins it will be like another disco burn.
  12. Repost your busty.pl girlfriend. Polska.
  13. Fuck yeah on DOKE! Saw a Rebus, Obsoe and Aloha NS car rolling today. 8 units on the train too, 6 were Conrail. Also gave the squatter/hopper kids some ramen.
  14. I met some kids from Portland today in the yard, been here 7 days and trying to get to Richmond VA. Nice people.
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