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Everything posted by c-walk

  1. c-walk


    i'm loving all the flicks in here
  2. c-walk


    yea i kinda figured as much, thanks for the flick though
  3. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Randy Savage, when and why did you make a rap album? get at me mang! ~ walker
  4. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear BF, you sure about those migas? for one i have no idea what the hell that is and second Peach Snapple before i pass out is my hangover cure... drink half right before you're out, then the other half when you wake up cause you cant breathe and your mouth is dry. ~ duder who cant think of another nappy name for himself AKA sadass
  5. c-walk


    kind of a stupid question cause i really feel like i know the answer but what is under this hek (stupid questions i know but i'm getting to the other part) and does someone have a flick of it?
  6. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Homewrecker (A.K.A. BloodFart), was breakfast good? what did you have? Sincerely, actually curious guy
  7. Re: Dear ________, - no homo Dear Tails0nE, no i can not actually c-walk it was a nickname from a long time back... ~guy with nickname that stuck before he understood what it meant
  8. underage? they think you are going to huffs your paints!
  9. quick question for all you photography heads on here... i'm tryin to get my mom a nice present for christmas and she's really into photography. she has a canon digital rebel xt and she takes alot of outdoors full color photos... i was thinking of getting her a polarizing lens filter, good idea? bad idea? any other nice filters that might enhance colors for outdoor shooting? or any other cool filters for an amateur photographer. hit me in a PM please, i need to get this done soon since christmas is right around the corner
  10. no c-walk was a nickname from gradeschool... does that bother you?
  11. do you? as i tried to post this it sent me to the page that says that i have to wait 30 seconds between posts, thus proving the point that i dont really leave here... is that sad?
  12. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear headache, why do you come around only right after i get off work? how come aspirin never works? you are stupid, go away! ~ walker
  13. c-walk


    bump those Alots and bump that shuk
  14. i still have a tag ridin' from one of those sharpie water based poster board markers, the huge ones... it didnt fade at all but i'm sure if someone actually tried it could be easily buffed
  15. you got it so use it, who cares
  16. the proportions i used seemed to work out fairly well and like i said it seems to hold up... i only grabbed the whitener in hoped of making a pink ink, it didnt work out so next i'm just going to get some purple or red leather dye instead of whitener
  17. just put the same thing in the marker thread cause someone else asked the same thing... but i'll save you the trouble of going there it's just pen ink from some shitty 50 cents package of 10 pens... 40 pens to a half cup of 91% isopropyl alcohol let it sit then add some dot 3 and then a full bottle of kwiki shoe whitener... i used a full bottle of the kwiki with a full cup of the ink, it ends up being a little thicker than ink so it has to be in a mop so it can be free flowing have fun
  18. c-walk


    flicks flicks flicks!!! nice page so far even if some are old guys, its nice to see
  19. sorry i havnt been on here in a minute but: it's just pen ink from some shitty 50 cents package of 10 pens... 40 pens to a half cup of 91% isopropyl alcohol let it sit then add some dot 3 and then a full bottle of kwiki shoe whitener... i used a full bottle of the kwiki with a full cup of the ink, it ends up being a little thicker than ink so it has to be in a mop so it can be free flowing have fun
  20. it seemed to be a very light gray. almost white and i'm sure grey would hold more pigment then the actual white so there for its a better option for an almost white
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